Source code for geowombat.core.geoxarray

import typing as T
import warnings
from pathlib import Path as _Path

import dask.array as da
import geopandas as gpd
import joblib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio as rio
import xarray as xr
from dask.distributed import Client as _Client
from rasterio.coords import BoundingBox as _BoundingBox
from import Window as _Window
from shapely.geometry import Polygon as _Polygon
from shapely.geometry import box as _box

from ..backends import Cluster as _Cluster
from ..config import config
from ..radiometry import BRDF as _BRDF
from ..util import imshow as gw_imshow
from . import array_to_polygon
from . import avi as gw_avi
from . import calc_area, clip_by_polygon, dask_to_xarray
from . import evi as gw_evi
from . import evi2 as gw_evi2
from . import extract
from . import gcvi as gw_gcvi
from . import kndvi as gw_kndvi
from . import mask, moving
from . import nbr as gw_nbr
from . import ndarray_to_xarray
from . import ndvi as gw_ndvi
from . import norm_diff as gw_norm_diff
from . import recode, replace, sample, save, subset
from . import tasseled_cap as gw_tasseled_cap
from . import to_netcdf, to_raster, to_vrt
from . import transform_crs as _transform_crs
from . import wi as gw_wi
from .properties import DataProperties as _DataProperties
from .util import n_rows_cols, project_coords

class _UpdateConfig(object):
    def _update_attrs(self):

        if self.config:

            for k, v in self.config.items():
                setattr(self, k, v)

    def _update_kwargs(self, **kwargs):

        if self.config:

            for k, v in self.config.items():

                # rasterio.write keyword arguments
                if k not in kwargs:
                    kwargs[k] = v

        return kwargs

[docs]@xr.register_dataarray_accessor('gw') class GeoWombatAccessor(_UpdateConfig, _DataProperties): """A method to access a ``xarray.DataArray``. This class is typically not accessed directly, but rather through a call to ````. - An ``xarray.DataArray`` object will have a ``gw`` method. - To access GeoWombat methods, use ````. """ def __init__(self, xarray_obj): self._obj = xarray_obj self.config = config self._update_attrs() @property def filenames(self) -> T.Sequence[T.Union[str, _Path]]: """Gets the data filenames. Returns: ``list`` """ return ( self._obj.attrs['_filenames'] if '_filenames' in self._obj.attrs else [] ) @property def data_are_separate(self) -> bool: """Checks whether the data are loaded separately. Returns: ``bool`` """ return ( bool(self._obj.attrs['_data_are_separate']) if '_data_are_separate' in self._obj.attrs else False ) @property def data_are_stacked(self) -> bool: """Checks whether the data are stacked. Returns: ``bool`` """ return ( bool(self._obj.attrs['_data_are_stacked']) if '_data_are_stacked' in self._obj.attrs else False )
[docs] def check_chunksize(self, chunksize: int, array_size: int) -> int: """Asserts that the chunk size fits within intervals of 16 and is smaller than the array. Args: chunksize (int): The chunk size to check. array_size (int): The array dimension size to check against. Returns: ``int`` """ if not (chunksize % 16 == 0) or (chunksize > array_size): if chunksize % 16 == 0: chunksize = 1024 while True: if chunksize < array_size: break chunksize /= 2 if chunksize <= 2: break return int(chunksize)
[docs] def read( self, band: T.Union[int, str, T.Sequence[T.Union[int, str]]], **kwargs ) -> np.ndarray: """Reads data for a band or bands. Args: band (int | list): A band or list of bands to read. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` """ return self._obj.sel(band=band).gw.compute(**kwargs)
[docs] def compute(self, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Computes data. Args: kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`dask.compute`. Returns: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ if not self._obj.chunks: return else: return**kwargs)
[docs] def mask( self, df: T.Union[str, _Path, gpd.GeoDataFrame], query: T.Optional[str] = None, keep: T.Optional[str] = 'in', ) -> xr.DataArray: """Masks a DataArray. Args: df (GeoDataFrame or str): The ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` or filename to use for masking. query (Optional[str]): A query to apply to ``df``. keep (Optional[str]): If ``keep`` = 'in', mask values outside of the geometry (keep inside). Otherwise, if ``keep`` = 'out', mask values inside (keep outside). Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` """ return mask(self._obj, df, query=query, keep=keep)
[docs] def mask_nodata(self) -> xr.DataArray: """Masks 'no data' values with nans. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` """ nodata_value = if nodata_value is None: warnings.warn( "The 'no data' value is None, so masking cannot be applied." ) return self._obj # We need to store the data in a type that supports the 'no data' value if not np.issubdtype(, np.floating): if isinstance(nodata_value, float): if not np.issubdtype(, np.floating): self._obj = self._obj.astype('float64') else: if nodata_value > abs(np.iinfo( for dtype_ in [ 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'uint64', ]: if nodata_value <= abs(np.iinfo(dtype_).max): if != dtype_: self._obj = self._obj.astype(dtype_) warnings.warn( "The 'no data' value is beyond the range of the stored dtype. " f"Therefore, the DataArray dtype will be converted to {dtype_}.", UserWarning, ) break return self._obj.where(lambda x: x != nodata_value)
[docs] def assign_nodata_attrs(self, nodata: T.Union[float, int]) -> xr.DataArray: """Assigns 'no data' attributes. Args: nodata (float | int): The 'no data' value to assign. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` """ return self._obj.assign_attrs( **{ 'nodatavals': (nodata,) *, '_FillValue': nodata, } )
[docs] def match_data( self, data: xr.DataArray, band_names: T.Sequence[T.Union[int, str]] ) -> xr.DataArray: """Coerces the ``xarray.DataArray`` to match another ``xarray.DataArray``. Args: data (DataArray): The ``xarray.DataArray`` to match to. band_names (1d array-like): The output band names. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> import xarray as xr >>> >>> other_array = xr.DataArray() >>> >>> with'image.tif') as src: >>> new_array =, ['bd1']) """ if isinstance(, da.Array): if len(self._obj.shape) == 2: new_chunks = (, else: new_chunks = (1,, return dask_to_xarray( data,, band_names ) else: return ndarray_to_xarray(data,, band_names)
[docs] def compare( self, op: str, b: T.Union[float, int], return_binary: T.Optional[bool] = False, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Comparison operation. Args: op (str): The comparison operation. b (float | int): The value to compare to. return_binary (Optional[bool]): Whether to return a binary (1 or 0) array. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray``: Valid data where ``op`` meets criteria ``b``, otherwise nans. Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> with'image.tif') as src: >>> # Mask all values greater than 10 >>> thresh ='lt', b=10) """ if op not in ['lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne']: raise NameError('The comparison operation is not supported.') if op == 'lt': out = self._obj.where(self._obj < b) elif op == 'le': out = self._obj.where(self._obj <= b) elif op == 'gt': out = self._obj.where(self._obj > b) elif op == 'ge': out = self._obj.where(self._obj >= b) elif op == 'eq': out = self._obj.where(self._obj == b) elif op == 'ne': out = self._obj.where(self._obj != b) if return_binary: out = xr.where(out > 0, 1, np.nan) return out.astype( **self._obj.attrs.copy() )
[docs] def replace( self, to_replace: T.Dict[int, T.Union[int, str]] ) -> xr.DataArray: """Replace values given in ``to_replace`` with value. Args: to_replace (dict): How to find the values to replace. Dictionary mappings should be given as {from: to} pairs. If ``to_replace`` is an integer/string mapping, the to string should be 'mode'. {1: 5}: recode values of 1 to 5 {1: 'mode'}: recode values of 1 to the polygon mode Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> with'image.tif', chunks=512) as ds: >>> # Replace 1 with 5 >>> res ={1: 5}) """ return replace(self._obj, to_replace)
[docs] def recode( self, polygon: T.Union[str, _Path, gpd.GeoDataFrame], to_replace: dict, num_workers: T.Optional[int] = 1, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Recodes a DataArray with polygon mappings. Args: polygon (GeoDataFrame | str): The ``geopandas.DataFrame`` or file with polygon geometry. to_replace (dict): How to find the values to replace. Dictionary mappings should be given as {from: to} pairs. If ``to_replace`` is an integer/string mapping, the to string should be 'mode'. {1: 5}: recode values of 1 to 5 {1: 'mode'}: recode values of 1 to the polygon mode num_workers (Optional[int]): The number of parallel Dask workers (only used if ``to_replace`` has a 'mode' mapping). Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> with'image.tif', chunks=512) as ds: >>> # Recode 1 with 5 within a polygon >>> res ='poly.gpkg', {1: 5}) """ return recode(self._obj, polygon, to_replace, num_workers=num_workers)
[docs] def bounds_overlay( self, bounds: T.Union[tuple, _BoundingBox], how: T.Optional[str] = 'intersects', ) -> bool: """Checks whether the bounds overlay the image bounds. Args: bounds (tuple | rasterio.coords.BoundingBox | shapely.geometry): The bounds to check. If given as a tuple, the order should be (left, bottom, right, top). how (Optional[str]): Choices are any ``shapely.geometry`` binary predicates. Returns: ``bool`` Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> bounds = (left, bottom, right, top) >>> >>> with'image.tif') as src >>> intersects = >>> >>> from rasterio.coords import BoundingBox >>> >>> bounds = BoundingBox(left, bottom, right, top) >>> >>> with'image.tif') as src >>> contains =, how='contains') """ if isinstance(bounds, _Polygon): overlays = getattr(, how)(bounds) else: poly = _box(*bounds) overlays = getattr(, how)(poly) return overlays
[docs] def n_windows(self, row_chunks: int = None, col_chunks: int = None) -> int: """Calculates the number of windows in a row/column iteration. Args: row_chunks (Optional[int]): The row chunk size. If not given, defaults to opened DataArray chunks. col_chunks (Optional[int]): The column chunk size. If not given, defaults to opened DataArray chunks. Returns: ``int`` """ rchunks = ( row_chunks if isinstance(row_chunks, int) else ) cchunks = ( col_chunks if isinstance(col_chunks, int) else ) return len(list(range(0,, rchunks))) * len( list(range(0,, cchunks)) )
[docs] def windows( self, row_chunks: int = None, col_chunks: int = None, return_type: T.Optional[str] = 'window', ndim: T.Optional[int] = 2, ): """Generates windows for a row/column iteration. Args: row_chunks (Optional[int]): The row chunk size. If not given, defaults to opened DataArray chunks. col_chunks (Optional[int]): The column chunk size. If not given, defaults to opened DataArray chunks. return_type (Optional[str]): The data to return. Choices are ['data', 'slice', 'window']. ndim (Optional[int]): The number of required dimensions if ``return_type`` = 'data' or 'slice'. Returns: ``yields`` ``xarray.DataArray``, ``tuple``, or ```` """ if return_type not in ['data', 'slice', 'window']: raise NameError( "The return type must be one of 'data', 'slice', or 'window'." ) rchunks = ( row_chunks if isinstance(row_chunks, int) else ) cchunks = ( col_chunks if isinstance(col_chunks, int) else ) for row_off in range(0,, rchunks): height = n_rows_cols(row_off, rchunks, for col_off in range(0,, cchunks): width = n_rows_cols(col_off, cchunks, if return_type == 'data': if ndim == 2: yield self._obj[ row_off : row_off + height, col_off : col_off + width, ] else: slicer = tuple([slice(0, None)] * (ndim - 2)) + ( slice(row_off, row_off + height), slice(col_off, col_off + width), ) yield self._obj[slicer] elif return_type == 'slice': if ndim == 2: yield ( slice(row_off, row_off + height), slice(col_off, col_off + width), ) else: yield tuple([slice(0, None)] * (ndim - 2)) + ( slice(row_off, row_off + height), slice(col_off, col_off + width), ) elif return_type == 'window': yield _Window( row_off=row_off, col_off=col_off, height=height, width=width, )
[docs] def imshow( self, mask: T.Optional[bool] = False, nodata: T.Optional[int] = 0, flip: T.Optional[bool] = False, text_color: T.Optional[str] = 'black', rot: T.Optional[int] = 30, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Shows an image on a plot. Args: mask (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask 'no data' values (given by ``nodata``). nodata (Optional[int or float]): The 'no data' value. flip (Optional[bool]): Whether to flip an RGB array's band order. text_color (Optional[str]): The text color. rot (Optional[int]): The degree rotation for the x-axis tick labels. kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments passed to ``xarray.plot.imshow``. Returns: ``None`` Examples: >>> with'image.tif') as ds: >>>['red', 'green', 'red'], mask=True, vmin=0.1, vmax=0.9, robust=True) """ gw_imshow( self._obj, mask=mask, nodata=nodata, flip=flip, text_color=text_color, rot=rot, **kwargs, )
[docs] def to_polygon( self, mask: T.Optional[T.Union[np.ndarray, str]] = None, connectivity: T.Optional[int] = 4, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Converts a ``dask`` array to a ``GeoDataFrame`` Args: mask (Optional[numpy ndarray or rasterio Band object]): Must evaluate to bool (rasterio.bool_ or rasterio.uint8). Values of False or 0 will be excluded from feature generation. Note well that this is the inverse sense from Numpy's, where a mask value of True indicates invalid data in an array. If source is a Numpy masked array and mask is None, the source's mask will be inverted and used in place of mask. connectivity (Optional[int]): Use 4 or 8 pixel connectivity for grouping pixels into features. Returns: ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> with'image.tif') as src: >>> >>> # Convert the input image to a GeoDataFrame >>> df ='source', num_workers=8) """ return array_to_polygon( self._obj, mask=mask, connectivity=connectivity )
[docs] def to_vector( self, filename: T.Union[_Path, str], mask: T.Optional[T.Union[np.ndarray, str]] = None, connectivity: T.Optional[int] = 4, ) -> None: """Writes an Xarray DataArray to a vector file. Args: filename (str): The output file name to write to. mask (numpy ndarray or rasterio Band object, optional): Must evaluate to bool (rasterio.bool_ or rasterio.uint8). Values of False or 0 will be excluded from feature generation. Note well that this is the inverse sense from Numpy's, where a mask value of True indicates invalid data in an array. If source is a Numpy masked array and mask is None, the source's mask will be inverted and used in place of mask. connectivity (Optional[int]): Use 4 or 8 pixel connectivity for grouping pixels into features. Returns: None """ self.to_polygon(mask=mask, connectivity=connectivity).to_file(filename)
[docs] def transform_crs( self, dst_crs=None, dst_res=None, dst_width=None, dst_height=None, dst_bounds=None, src_nodata=None, dst_nodata=None, coords_only=False, resampling='nearest', warp_mem_limit=512, num_threads=1, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Transforms an ``xarray.DataArray`` to a new coordinate reference system. Args: dst_crs (Optional[CRS | int | dict | str]): The destination CRS. dst_res (Optional[tuple]): The destination resolution. dst_width (Optional[int]): The destination width. Cannot be used with ``dst_res``. dst_height (Optional[int]): The destination height. Cannot be used with ``dst_res``. dst_bounds (Optional[BoundingBox | tuple]): The destination bounds, as a ``rasterio.coords.BoundingBox`` or as a tuple of (left, bottom, right, top). src_nodata (Optional[int | float]): The source nodata value. Pixels with this value will not be used for interpolation. If not set, it will default to the nodata value of the source image if a masked ndarray or rasterio band, if available. dst_nodata (Optional[int | float]): The nodata value used to initialize the destination; it will remain in all areas not covered by the reprojected source. Defaults to the nodata value of the destination image (if set), the value of src_nodata, or 0 (GDAL default). coords_only (Optional[bool]): Whether to return transformed coordinates. If ``coords_only`` = ``True`` then the array is not warped and the size is unchanged. It also avoids in-memory computations. resampling (Optional[str]): The resampling method if ``filename`` is a ``list``. Choices are ['average', 'bilinear', 'cubic', 'cubic_spline', 'gauss', 'lanczos', 'max', 'med', 'min', 'mode', 'nearest']. warp_mem_limit (Optional[int]): The warp memory limit. num_threads (Optional[int]): The number of parallel threads. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> with'image.tif') as src: >>> dst = """ return _transform_crs( self._obj, dst_crs=dst_crs, dst_res=dst_res, dst_width=dst_width, dst_height=dst_height, dst_bounds=dst_bounds, src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_nodata=dst_nodata, coords_only=coords_only, resampling=resampling, warp_mem_limit=warp_mem_limit, num_threads=num_threads, )
[docs] def to_netcdf( self, filename: T.Union[str, _Path], *args, **kwargs ) -> None: """Writes an Xarray DataArray to a NetCDF file. Args: filename (Path | str): The output file name to write to. args (DataArray): Additional ``DataArrays`` to stack. kwargs (dict): Encoding arguments. Examples: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> import xarray as xr >>> >>> # Write a single DataArray to a .nc file >>> with gw.config.update(sensor='l7'): >>> with'LC08_L1TP_225078_20200219_20200225_01_T1.tif') as src: >>>'', zlib=True, complevel=5) >>> >>> # Add extra layers >>> with gw.config.update(sensor='l7'): >>> with >>> 'LC08_L1TP_225078_20200219_20200225_01_T1.tif' >>> ) as src, >>> 'LC08_L1TP_225078_20200219_20200225_01_T1_angles.tif', >>> band_names=['zenith', 'azimuth'] >>> ) as ang: >>> src = ( >>> xr.where( >>> src == 0, -32768, src >>> ) >>> .astype('int16') >>> .assign_attrs(**src.attrs) >>> ) >>> >>> >>> '', >>> ang.astype('int16'), >>> zlib=True, >>> complevel=5, >>> _FillValue=-32768 >>> ) >>> >>> # Open the data and convert to a DataArray >>> with xr.open_dataset( >>> '', engine='h5netcdf', chunks=256 >>> ) as ds: >>> src = ds.to_array(dim='band') """ to_netcdf(self._obj, filename, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def save( self, filename: T.Union[str, _Path], mode: T.Optional[str] = 'w', nodata: T.Optional[T.Union[float, int]] = None, overwrite: bool = False, client: T.Optional[_Client] = None, compute: T.Optional[bool] = True, tags: T.Optional[dict] = None, compress: T.Optional[str] = 'none', compression: T.Optional[str] = None, num_workers: T.Optional[int] = 1, log_progress: T.Optional[bool] = True, tqdm_kwargs: T.Optional[dict] = None, bigtiff: T.Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Saves a DataArray to raster using rasterio/dask. Args: filename (str | Path): The output file name to write to. mode (Optional[str]): The file storage mode. Choices are ['w', 'r+']. nodata (Optional[float | int]): The 'no data' value. If ``None`` (default), the 'no data' value is taken from the ``DataArray`` metadata. overwrite (Optional[bool]): Whether to overwrite an existing file. Default is False. client (Optional[Client object]): A ``dask.distributed.Client`` client object to persist data. Default is None. compute (Optinoal[bool]): Whether to compute and write to ``filename``. Otherwise, return the ``dask`` task graph. If ``True``, compute and write to ``filename``. If ``False``, return the ``dask`` task graph. Default is ``True``. tags (Optional[dict]): Metadata tags to write to file. Default is None. compress (Optional[str]): The file compression type. Default is 'none', or no compression. compression (Optional[str]): The file compression type. Default is 'none', or no compression. .. deprecated:: 2.1.4 Use 'compress' -- 'compression' will be removed in >=2.2.0. num_workers (Optional[int]): The number of dask workers (i.e., chunks) to write concurrently. Default is 1. log_progress (Optional[bool]): Whether to log the progress bar during writing. Default is True. tqdm_kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments to pass to ``tqdm``. bigtiff (Optional[str]): A GDAL BIGTIFF flag. Choices are ["YES", "NO", "IF_NEEDED", "IF_SAFER"]. Returns: ``None``, writes to ``filename`` Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> with'file.tif') as src: >>> result = ... >>>'output.tif', compress='lzw', num_workers=8) """ if compression is not None: warnings.warn( "The argument 'compression' will be deprecated in >=2.2.0. Use 'compress'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) compress = compression return save( self._obj, filename=filename, mode=mode, nodata=nodata, overwrite=overwrite, client=client, compute=compute, tags=tags, compress=compress, num_workers=num_workers, log_progress=log_progress, tqdm_kwargs=tqdm_kwargs, bigtiff=bigtiff, )
[docs] def to_raster( self, filename, readxsize=None, readysize=None, separate=False, out_block_type='gtiff', keep_blocks=False, verbose=0, overwrite=False, gdal_cache=512, scheduler='processes', n_jobs=1, n_workers=None, n_threads=None, n_chunks=None, overviews=False, resampling='nearest', driver='GTiff', nodata=None, blockxsize=512, blockysize=512, tags=None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Writes an Xarray DataArray to a raster file. .. note:: We advise using :func:`save` in place of this method. Args: filename (str): The output file name to write to. readxsize (Optional[int]): The size of column chunks to read. If not given, ``readxsize`` defaults to Dask chunk size. readysize (Optional[int]): The size of row chunks to read. If not given, ``readysize`` defaults to Dask chunk size. separate (Optional[bool]): Whether to write blocks as separate files. Otherwise, write to a single file. out_block_type (Optional[str]): The output block type. Choices are ['gtiff', 'zarr']. Only used if ``separate`` = ``True``. keep_blocks (Optional[bool]): Whether to keep the blocks stored on disk. Only used if ``separate`` = ``True``. verbose (Optional[int]): The verbosity level. overwrite (Optional[bool]): Whether to overwrite an existing file. gdal_cache (Optional[int]): The ``GDAL`` cache size (in MB). scheduler (Optional[str]): The ``concurrent.futures`` scheduler to use. Choices are ['processes', 'threads']. n_jobs (Optional[int]): The total number of parallel jobs. n_workers (Optional[int]): The number of processes. n_threads (Optional[int]): The number of threads. n_chunks (Optional[int]): The chunk size of windows. If not given, equal to ``n_workers`` x 3. overviews (Optional[bool or list]): Whether to build overview layers. resampling (Optional[str]): The resampling method for overviews when ``overviews`` is ``True`` or a ``list``. Choices are ['average', 'bilinear', 'cubic', 'cubic_spline', 'gauss', 'lanczos', 'max', 'med', 'min', 'mode', 'nearest']. driver (Optional[str]): The raster driver. nodata (Optional[int]): A 'no data' value. blockxsize (Optional[int]): The output x block size. Ignored if ``separate`` = ``True``. blockysize (Optional[int]): The output y block size. Ignored if ``separate`` = ``True``. tags (Optional[dict]): Image tags to write to file. kwargs (Optional[dict]): Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``rasterio.write``. Returns: ``None`` Examples: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> # Use dask.compute() >>> with'input.tif') as ds: >>>'output.tif', n_jobs=8) >>> >>> # Use a dask client >>> with'input.tif') as ds: >>>'output.tif', use_client=True, n_workers=8, n_threads=4) >>> >>> # Compress the output >>> with'input.tif') as ds: >>>'output.tif', n_jobs=8, compress='lzw') """ if not hasattr(self._obj, 'crs'): raise AttributeError( 'The DataArray does not have a `crs` attribute.' ) if not hasattr(self._obj, 'transform'): raise AttributeError( 'The DataArray does not have a `transform` attribute.' ) kwargs = self._update_kwargs( nodata=nodata, driver=driver, blockxsize=blockxsize, blockysize=blockysize, **kwargs, ) # Keywords for rasterio profile if 'crs' not in kwargs: kwargs['crs'] = if 'transform' not in kwargs: kwargs['transform'] = self._obj.transform if 'width' not in kwargs: kwargs['width'] = if 'height' not in kwargs: kwargs['height'] = if 'count' not in kwargs: kwargs['count'] = if 'dtype' not in kwargs: kwargs['dtype'] = to_raster( self._obj, filename, readxsize=readxsize, readysize=readysize, separate=separate, out_block_type=out_block_type, keep_blocks=keep_blocks, verbose=verbose, overwrite=overwrite, gdal_cache=gdal_cache, scheduler=scheduler, n_jobs=n_jobs, n_workers=n_workers, n_threads=n_threads, n_chunks=n_chunks, overviews=overviews, resampling=resampling, tags=tags, **kwargs, )
[docs] def to_vrt( self, filename: T.Union[str, _Path], overwrite: bool = False, resampling: rio.enums.Resampling = None, nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, init_dest_nodata: bool = True, warp_mem_limit: int = 128, ) -> None: """Writes a file to a VRT file. Args: filename (str | Path): The output file name to write to. overwrite (Optional[bool]): Whether to overwrite an existing VRT file. resampling (Optional[object]): The resampling algorithm for ``rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT``. nodata (Optional[float or int]): The 'no data' value for ``rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT``. init_dest_nodata (Optional[bool]): Whether or not to initialize output to ``nodata`` for ``rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT``. warp_mem_limit (Optional[int]): The GDAL memory limit for ``rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT``. Examples: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> from rasterio.enums import Resampling >>> >>> # Transform a CRS and save to VRT >>> with gw.config.update(ref_crs=102033): >>> with'image.tif') as src: >>> >>> 'output.vrt', >>> resampling=Resampling.cubic, >>> warp_mem_limit=256 >>> ) >>> >>> # Load multiple files set to a common geographic extent >>> bounds = (left, bottom, right, top) >>> with gw.config.update(ref_bounds=bounds): >>> with >>> ['image1.tif', 'image2.tif'], mosaic=True >>> ) as src: >>>'output.vrt') """ to_vrt( self._obj, filename, overwrite=overwrite, resampling=resampling, nodata=nodata, init_dest_nodata=init_dest_nodata, warp_mem_limit=warp_mem_limit, )
[docs] def apply( self, filename: T.Union[str, _Path], user_func: T.Callable, n_jobs: int = 1, **kwargs, ): """Applies a user function to an Xarray Dataset or DataArray and writes to file. Args: filename (str | Path): The output file name to write to. user_func (func): The user function to apply. n_jobs (Optional[int]): The number of parallel jobs for the cluster. kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments passed to :func:`to_raster`. Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> def user_func(ds_): >>> return ds_.max(axis=0) >>> >>> with'image.tif', chunks=512) as ds: >>> >>> 'output.tif', >>> user_func, >>> n_jobs=8, >>> overwrite=True, >>> blockxsize=512, >>> blockysize=512 >>> ) """ cluster = _Cluster( n_workers=n_jobs, threads_per_worker=1, scheduler_port=0, processes=False, ) cluster.start() with joblib.parallel_backend('loky', n_jobs=n_jobs): ds_sub = user_func(self._obj) ds_sub.attrs = self._obj.attrs, n_jobs=n_jobs, **kwargs) cluster.stop()
[docs] def clip_by_polygon( self, df: T.Union[str, _Path, gpd.GeoDataFrame], query: T.Optional[str] = None, mask_data: T.Optional[bool] = False, expand_by: T.Optional[int] = 0, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Clips a DataArray by vector polygon geometry. Args: df (GeoDataFrame): The ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` to clip to. query (Optional[str]): A query to apply to ``df``. mask_data (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask values outside of the ``df`` geometry envelope. expand_by (Optional[int]): Expand the clip array bounds by ``expand_by`` pixels on each side. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Examples: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> with'image.tif') as ds: >>> ds =, query="Id == 1") """ return clip_by_polygon( self._obj, df, query=query, mask_data=mask_data, expand_by=expand_by, )
[docs] def clip( self, df: T.Union[str, _Path, gpd.GeoDataFrame], query: T.Optional[str] = None, mask_data: T.Optional[bool] = False, expand_by: T.Optional[int] = 0, ): """Clips a DataArray by vector polygon geometry. .. deprecated:: 2.1.7 Use :func:``. Args: df (GeoDataFrame): The ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` to clip to. query (Optional[str]): A query to apply to ``df``. mask_data (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask values outside of the ``df`` geometry envelope. expand_by (Optional[int]): Expand the clip array bounds by ``expand_by`` pixels on each side. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` """ warnings.warn( 'The method clip() will be deprecated in >=2.2.0. Use clip_by_polygon() instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return clip_by_polygon( self._obj, df, query=query, mask_data=mask_data, expand_by=expand_by, )
[docs] def subset( self, left: T.Optional[float] = None, top: T.Optional[float] = None, right: T.Optional[float] = None, bottom: T.Optional[float] = None, rows: T.Optional[int] = None, cols: T.Optional[int] = None, center: T.Optional[bool] = False, mask_corners: T.Optional[bool] = False, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Subsets a DataArray. Args: left (Optional[float]): The left coordinate. top (Optional[float]): The top coordinate. right (Optional[float]): The right coordinate. bottom (Optional[float]): The bottom coordinate. rows (Optional[int]): The number of output rows. cols (Optional[int]): The number of output rows. center (Optional[bool]): Whether to center the subset on ``left`` and ``top``. mask_corners (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask corners (requires ``pymorph``). chunksize (Optional[tuple]): A new chunk size for the output. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> with'image.tif', chunks=512) as ds: >>> ds_sub = >>> left=-263529.884, >>> top=953985.314, >>> rows=2048, >>> cols=2048 >>> ) """ return subset( self._obj, left=left, top=top, right=right, bottom=bottom, rows=rows, cols=cols, center=center, mask_corners=mask_corners, )
[docs] def calc_area( self, values: T.Sequence[T.Union[float, int]], op: str = 'eq', units: str = 'km2', row_chunks: int = None, col_chunks: int = None, n_workers: int = 1, n_threads: int = 1, scheduler: str = 'threads', n_chunks: int = 100, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculates the area of data values. Args: values (list): A list of values. op (Optional[str]): The value sign. Choices are ['gt', 'ge', 'lt', 'le', 'eq']. units (Optional[str]): The units to return. Choices are ['km2', 'ha']. row_chunks (Optional[int]): The row chunk size to process in parallel. col_chunks (Optional[int]): The column chunk size to process in parallel. n_workers (Optional[int]): The number of parallel workers for ``scheduler``. n_threads (Optional[int]): The number of parallel threads for ``dask.compute()``. scheduler (Optional[str]): The parallel task scheduler to use. Choices are ['processes', 'threads', 'mpool']. mpool: process pool of workers using ``multiprocessing.Pool`` processes: process pool of workers using ``concurrent.futures`` threads: thread pool of workers using ``concurrent.futures`` n_chunks (Optional[int]): The chunk size of windows. If not given, equal to ``n_workers`` x 50. Returns: ``pandas.DataFrame`` Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> # Read a land cover image with 512x512 chunks >>> with'land_cover.tif', chunks=512) as src: >>> >>> df = >>> [1, 2, 5], # calculate the area of classes 1, 2, and 5 >>> units='km2', # return area in kilometers squared >>> n_workers=4, >>> row_chunks=1024, # iterate over larger chunks to use 512 chunks in parallel >>> col_chunks=1024 >>> ) """ return calc_area( self._obj, values, op=op, units=units, row_chunks=row_chunks, col_chunks=col_chunks, n_workers=n_workers, n_threads=n_threads, scheduler=scheduler, n_chunks=n_chunks, )
[docs] def sample( self, method: str = 'random', band: T.Union[int, str] = None, n: int = None, strata: T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Union[float, int]]] = None, spacing: T.Optional[float] = None, min_dist: T.Optional[T.Union[float, int]] = None, max_attempts: T.Optional[int] = 10, num_workers: T.Optional[int] = 1, verbose: T.Optional[int] = 1, **kwargs, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Generates samples from a raster. Args: data (DataArray): The ``xarray.DataArray`` to extract data from. method (Optional[str]): The sampling method. Choices are ['random', 'systematic']. band (Optional[int or str]): The band name to extract from. Only required if ``method`` = 'random' and ``strata`` is given. n (Optional[int]): The total number of samples. Only required if ``method`` = 'random'. strata (Optional[dict]): The strata to sample within. The dictionary key-->value pairs should be {'conditional,value': proportion}. E.g., strata = {'==,1': 0.5, '>=,2': 0.5} ... would sample 50% of total samples within class 1 and 50% of total samples in class >= 2. strata = {'==,1': 10, '>=,2': 20} ... would sample 10 samples within class 1 and 20 samples in class >= 2. spacing (Optional[float]): The spacing (in map projection units) when ``method`` = 'systematic'. min_dist (Optional[float or int]): A minimum distance allowed between samples. Only applies when ``method`` = 'random'. max_attempts (Optional[int]): The maximum numer of attempts to sample points > ``min_dist`` from each other. num_workers (Optional[int]): The number of parallel workers for :func:`dask.compute`. verbose (Optional[int]): The verbosity level. kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments passed to ``geowombat.extract``. Returns: ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` Examples: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> # Sample 100 points randomly across the image >>> with'image.tif') as ds: >>> df = >>> >>> # Sample points systematically (with 10km spacing) across the image >>> with'image.tif') as ds: >>> df ='systematic', spacing=10000.0) >>> >>> # Sample 50% of 100 in class 1 and 50% in classes >= 2 >>> strata = {'==,1': 0.5, '>=,2': 0.5} >>> with'image.tif') as ds: >>> df =, n=100, strata=strata) >>> >>> # Specify a per-stratum minimum allowed point distance of 1,000 meters >>> with'image.tif') as ds: >>> df =, n=100, min_dist=1000, strata=strata) """ return sample( self._obj, method=method, band=band, n=n, strata=strata, spacing=spacing, min_dist=min_dist, max_attempts=max_attempts, num_workers=num_workers, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, )
[docs] def extract( self, aoi: T.Union[str, _Path, gpd.GeoDataFrame], bands: T.Union[int, T.Sequence[int]] = None, time_names: T.Sequence[T.Any] = None, band_names: T.Sequence[T.Any] = None, frac: float = 1.0, min_frac_area: T.Optional[T.Union[float, int]] = None, all_touched: T.Optional[bool] = False, id_column: T.Optional[str] = 'id', time_format: T.Optional[str] = '%Y%m%d', mask: T.Optional[T.Union[_Polygon, gpd.GeoDataFrame]] = None, n_jobs: T.Optional[int] = 8, verbose: T.Optional[int] = 0, n_workers: T.Optional[int] = 1, n_threads: T.Optional[int] = -1, use_client: T.Optional[bool] = False, address: T.Optional[str] = None, total_memory: T.Optional[int] = 24, processes: T.Optional[bool] = False, pool_kwargs: T.Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Extracts data within an area or points of interest. Projections do not need to match, as they are handled 'on-the-fly'. Args: aoi (str or GeoDataFrame): A file or ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` to extract data frame. bands (Optional[int or 1d array-like]): A band or list of bands to extract. If not given, all bands are used. Bands should be GDAL-indexed (i.e., the first band is 1, not 0). band_names (Optional[list]): A list of band names. Length should be the same as `bands`. time_names (Optional[list]): A list of time names. frac (Optional[float]): A fractional subset of points to extract in each polygon feature. min_frac_area (Optional[int | float]): A minimum polygon area to use ``frac``. Otherwise, use all samples within a polygon. all_touched (Optional[bool]): The ``all_touched`` argument is passed to :func:`rasterio.features.rasterize`. id_column (Optional[str]): The id column name. time_format (Optional[str]): The ``datetime`` conversion format if ``time_names`` are ``datetime`` objects. mask (Optional[GeoDataFrame or Shapely Polygon]): A ``shapely.geometry.Polygon`` mask to subset to. n_jobs (Optional[int]): The number of features to rasterize in parallel. verbose (Optional[int]): The verbosity level. n_workers (Optional[int]): The number of process workers. Only applies when ``use_client`` = ``True``. n_threads (Optional[int]): The number of thread workers. Only applies when ``use_client`` = ``True``. use_client (Optional[bool]): Whether to use a ``dask`` client. address (Optional[str]): A cluster address to pass to client. Only used when ``use_client`` = ``True``. total_memory (Optional[int]): The total memory (in GB) required when ``use_client`` = ``True``. processes (Optional[bool]): Whether to use process workers with the ``dask.distributed`` client. Only applies when ``use_client`` = ``True``. pool_kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments passed to :func:`multiprocessing.Pool().imap`. kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments passed to :func:`dask.compute`. Returns: ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` Examples: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> with'image.tif') as src: >>> df ='poly.gpkg') >>> >>> # On a cluster >>> # Use a local cluster >>> with'image.tif') as src: >>> df ='poly.gpkg', use_client=True, n_threads=16) >>> >>> # Specify the client address with a local cluster >>> with LocalCluster( >>> n_workers=1, >>> threads_per_worker=8, >>> scheduler_port=0, >>> processes=False, >>> memory_limit='4GB' >>> ) as cluster: >>> >>> with'image.tif') as src: >>> df = >>> 'poly.gpkg', >>> use_client=True, >>> address=cluster >>> ) """ kwargs = self._update_kwargs(**kwargs) return extract( self._obj, aoi, bands=bands, time_names=time_names, band_names=band_names, frac=frac, min_frac_area=min_frac_area, all_touched=all_touched, id_column=id_column, time_format=time_format, mask=mask, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, n_workers=n_workers, n_threads=n_threads, use_client=use_client, address=address, total_memory=total_memory, processes=processes, pool_kwargs=pool_kwargs, **kwargs, )
[docs] def band_mask( self, valid_bands: T.Sequence[T.Any], src_nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, dst_clear_val: int = 0, dst_mask_val: int = 1, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Creates a mask from band nonzeros. Args: valid_bands (list): The bands considered valid. src_nodata (Optional[float | int]): The source 'no data' value. dst_clear_val (Optional[int]): The destination clear value. dst_mask_val (Optional[int]): The destination mask value. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` """ mask = ( self._obj.where(self._obj.sel(band=valid_bands) > 0) .count(dim='band') .expand_dims(dim='band') .assign_coords(band=['mask']) .astype('uint8') ) if isinstance(src_nodata, (float, int)): return xr.where( (mask < len(valid_bands)) | (self._obj.sel(band='blue') == src_nodata), dst_mask_val, dst_clear_val, ).assign_attrs(**self._obj.attrs) else: return xr.where( mask < len(valid_bands), dst_mask_val, dst_clear_val ).assign_attrs(**self._obj.attrs)
[docs] def set_nodata( self, src_nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, dst_nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, out_range: T.Tuple[T.Union[float, int], T.Union[float, int]] = None, dtype: str = None, scale_factor: T.Union[float, int] = None, offset: T.Union[float, int] = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Sets 'no data' values and applies scaling to an ``xarray.DataArray``. Args: src_nodata (int | float): The 'no data' values to replace. Default is ``None``. dst_nodata (int | float): The 'no data' value to set. Default is ``nan``. out_range (Optional[tuple]): The output clip range. Default is ``None``. dtype (Optional[str]): The output data type. Default is ``None``. scale_factor (Optional[float | int]): A scale factor to apply. Default is ``None``. offset (Optional[float | int]): An offset to apply. Default is ``None``. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Example: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> with'image.tif') as src: >>> src =, 65535, out_range=(0, 10000), dtype='uint16') """ if self.config['nodata'] is not None: src_nodata = self.config['nodata'] elif src_nodata is None: src_nodata = if dst_nodata is None: dst_nodata = np.nan if self.config['scale_factor'] is not None: scale_factor = self.config['scale_factor'] elif scale_factor is None: scale_factor = if self.config['offset'] is not None: offset = self.config['offset'] elif offset is None: offset = if dtype is None: dtype = self._obj.dtype if not isinstance(scale_factor, (float, int)): scale_factor = 1.0 if not isinstance(offset, (float, int)): offset = 0 attrs = self._obj.attrs.copy() # Mask the data data = xr.where( self._obj == src_nodata, dst_nodata, self._obj * scale_factor + offset, ) if out_range is not None: data = data.clip(out_range[0], out_range[1]) if data = data.transpose('time', 'band', 'y', 'x').astype(dtype) else: data = data.transpose('band', 'y', 'x').astype(dtype) # These now refer to the new, scaled data attrs['scales'] = (1.0,) * attrs['offsets'] = (0,) * return data.assign_attrs(**attrs).gw.assign_nodata_attrs(dst_nodata)
[docs] def moving( self, stat: str = 'mean', perc: T.Union[float, int] = 50, w: int = 3, nodata: T.Optional[T.Union[float, int]] = None, weights: T.Optional[bool] = False, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Applies a moving window function to the DataArray. Args: stat (Optional[str]): The statistic to compute. Choices are ['mean', 'std', 'var', 'min', 'max', 'perc']. perc (Optional[int]): The percentile to return if ``stat`` = 'perc'. w (Optional[int]): The moving window size (in pixels). nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to ignore. weights (Optional[bool]): Whether to weight values by distance from window center. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Examples: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> # Calculate the mean within a 5x5 window >>> with'image.tif') as src: >>> res ='mean', w=5, nodata=32767.0) >>> >>> # Calculate the 90th percentile within a 15x15 window >>> with'image.tif') as src: >>> res ='perc', w=15, perc=90, nodata=32767.0) >>> """ return moving( self._obj, perc=perc, nodata=nodata, w=w, stat=stat, weights=weights, )
[docs] def norm_diff( self, b1: T.Any, b2: T.Any, nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, mask: bool = False, sensor: T.Optional[str] = None, scale_factor: T.Optional[float] = 1.0, ) -> xr.DataArray: r""" Calculates the normalized difference band ratio. Args: b1 (str): The band name of the first band. b2 (str): The band name of the second band. nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to fill NAs with. mask (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask the results. sensor (Optional[str]): The data's sensor. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the data. Equation: .. math:: {norm}_{diff} = \frac{b2 - b1}{b2 + b1} Returns: ``xarray.DataArray``: Data range: -1 to 1 """ return gw_norm_diff( self._obj, b1, b2, nodata=nodata, mask=mask, sensor=sensor, scale_factor=scale_factor, )
[docs] def avi( self, nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, mask: bool = False, sensor: T.Optional[str] = None, scale_factor: T.Optional[float] = 1.0, ) -> xr.DataArray: r""" Calculates the advanced vegetation index Args: data (DataArray): The ``xarray.DataArray`` to process. nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to fill NAs with. mask (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask the results. sensor (Optional[str]): The data's sensor. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the data. Equation: .. math:: AVI = {(NIR \times (1.0 - red) \times (NIR - red))}^{0.3334} Returns: ``xarray.DataArray``: Data range: 0 to 1 """ return gw_avi( self._obj, nodata=nodata, mask=mask, sensor=sensor, scale_factor=scale_factor, )
[docs] def evi( self, nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, mask: bool = False, sensor: T.Optional[str] = None, scale_factor: T.Optional[float] = 1.0, ) -> xr.DataArray: r""" Calculates the enhanced vegetation index Args: data (DataArray): The ``xarray.DataArray`` to process. nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to fill NAs with. mask (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask the results. sensor (Optional[str]): The data's sensor. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the data. Equation: .. math:: EVI = 2.5 \times \frac{NIR - red}{NIR \times 6 \times red - 7.5 \times blue + 1} Returns: ``xarray.DataArray``: Data range: 0 to 1 """ return gw_evi( self._obj, nodata=nodata, mask=mask, sensor=sensor, scale_factor=scale_factor, )
[docs] def evi2( self, nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, mask: bool = False, sensor: T.Optional[str] = None, scale_factor: T.Optional[float] = 1.0, ) -> xr.DataArray: r""" Calculates the two-band modified enhanced vegetation index Args: data (DataArray): The ``xarray.DataArray`` to process. nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to fill NAs with. mask (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask the results. sensor (Optional[str]): The data's sensor. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the data. Equation: .. math:: EVI2 = 2.5 \times \frac{NIR - red}{NIR + 1 + 2.4 \times red} Returns: ``xarray.DataArray``: Data range: 0 to 1 """ return gw_evi2( self._obj, nodata=nodata, mask=mask, sensor=sensor, scale_factor=scale_factor, )
[docs] def gcvi( self, nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, mask: bool = False, sensor: T.Optional[str] = None, scale_factor: T.Optional[float] = 1.0, ) -> xr.DataArray: r""" Calculates the green chlorophyll vegetation index Args: data (DataArray): The ``xarray.DataArray`` to process. nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to fill NAs with. mask (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask the results. sensor (Optional[str]): The data's sensor. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the data. Equation: .. math:: GCVI = \frac{NIR}{green} - 1 Returns: ``xarray.DataArray``: Data range: -1 to 1 """ return gw_gcvi( self._obj, nodata=nodata, mask=mask, sensor=sensor, scale_factor=scale_factor, )
[docs] def nbr( self, nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, mask: bool = False, sensor: T.Optional[str] = None, scale_factor: T.Optional[float] = 1.0, ) -> xr.DataArray: r""" Calculates the normalized burn ratio Args: data (DataArray): The ``xarray.DataArray`` to process. nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to fill NAs with. mask (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask the results. sensor (Optional[str]): The data's sensor. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the data. Equation: .. math:: NBR = \frac{NIR - SWIR1}{NIR + SWIR1} Returns: ``xarray.DataArray``: Data range: -1 to 1 """ return gw_nbr( self._obj, nodata=nodata, mask=mask, sensor=sensor, scale_factor=scale_factor, )
[docs] def ndvi( self, nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, mask: bool = False, sensor: T.Optional[str] = None, scale_factor: T.Optional[float] = 1.0, ) -> xr.DataArray: r""" Calculates the normalized difference vegetation index Args: data (DataArray): The ``xarray.DataArray`` to process. nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to fill NAs with. mask (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask the results. sensor (Optional[str]): The data's sensor. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the data. Equation: .. math:: NDVI = \frac{NIR - red}{NIR + red} Returns: ``xarray.DataArray``: Data range: -1 to 1 """ return gw_ndvi( self._obj, nodata=nodata, mask=mask, sensor=sensor, scale_factor=scale_factor, )
[docs] def kndvi( self, nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, mask: bool = False, sensor: T.Optional[str] = None, scale_factor: T.Optional[float] = 1.0, ) -> xr.DataArray: r""" Calculates the kernel normalized difference vegetation index Args: data (DataArray): The ``xarray.DataArray`` to process. nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to fill NAs with. mask (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask the results. sensor (Optional[str]): The data's sensor. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the data. Equation: .. math:: kNDVI = tanh({NDVI}^2) Returns: ``xarray.DataArray``: Data range: -1 to 1 """ return gw_kndvi( self._obj, nodata=nodata, mask=mask, sensor=sensor, scale_factor=scale_factor, )
[docs] def wi( self, nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, mask: bool = False, sensor: T.Optional[str] = None, scale_factor: T.Optional[float] = 1.0, ) -> xr.DataArray: r""" Calculates the woody vegetation index Args: data (DataArray): The ``xarray.DataArray`` to process. nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to fill NAs with. mask (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask the results. sensor (Optional[str]): The data's sensor. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the data. Equation: .. math:: WI = \Biggl \lbrace { 0,\text{ if } { red + SWIR1 \ge 0.5 } \atop 1 - \frac{red + SWIR1}{0.5}, \text{ otherwise } } Returns: ``xarray.DataArray``: Data range: 0 to 1 """ return gw_wi( self._obj, nodata=nodata, mask=mask, sensor=sensor, scale_factor=scale_factor, )
[docs] def tasseled_cap( self, nodata: T.Union[float, int] = None, sensor: T.Optional[str] = None, scale_factor: T.Optional[float] = 1.0, ) -> xr.DataArray: r""" Applies a tasseled cap transformation Args: nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to fill NAs with. sensor (Optional[str]): The data's sensor. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the data. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Examples: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> with gw.config.update(sensor='qb', scale_factor=0.0001): >>> with >>> 'image.tif', band_names=['blue', 'green', 'red', 'nir'] >>> ) as ds: >>> tcap = """ return gw_tasseled_cap( self._obj, nodata=nodata, sensor=sensor, scale_factor=scale_factor )
[docs] def norm_brdf( self, solar_za, solar_az, sensor_za, sensor_az, sensor=None, wavelengths=None, nodata=None, mask=None, scale_factor=1.0, scale_angles=True, ): """Applies Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) normalization. Args: solar_za (2d DataArray): The solar zenith angles (degrees). solar_az (2d DataArray): The solar azimuth angles (degrees). sensor_za (2d DataArray): The sensor azimuth angles (degrees). sensor_az (2d DataArray): The sensor azimuth angles (degrees). sensor (Optional[str]): The satellite sensor. wavelengths (str list): The wavelength(s) to normalize. nodata (Optional[int or float]): A 'no data' value to fill NAs with. mask (Optional[DataArray]): A data mask, where clear values are 0. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the input data. scale_angles (Optional[bool]): Whether to scale the pixel angle arrays. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Examples: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> >>> # Example where pixel angles are stored in separate GeoTiff files >>> with gw.config.update(sensor='l7', scale_factor=0.0001, nodata=0): >>> >>> with'solarz.tif') as solarz, >>>'solara.tif') as solara, >>>'sensorz.tif') as sensorz, >>>'sensora.tif') as sensora: >>> >>> with'landsat.tif') as ds: >>> ds_brdf =, solara, sensorz, sensora) """ # Get the central latitude central_lat = project_coords( np.array( [self._obj.x.values[int(self._obj.x.shape[0] / 2)]], dtype='float64', ), np.array( [self._obj.y.values[int(self._obj.y.shape[0] / 2)]], dtype='float64', ),, {'init': 'epsg:4326'}, )[1][0] return _BRDF().norm_brdf( self._obj, solar_za, solar_az, sensor_za, sensor_az, central_lat, sensor=sensor, wavelengths=wavelengths, nodata=nodata, mask=mask, scale_factor=scale_factor, scale_angles=scale_angles, )