Source code for geowombat.core.series

import concurrent.futures
import typing as T
from abc import abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio as rio
import xarray as xr
from affine import Affine
from rasterio.coords import BoundingBox
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
from rasterio.vrt import WarpedVRT
from import Window

from .windows import get_window_offsets

    import torch

except ImportError:

    import tensorflow as tf

except ImportError:

    import jax.numpy as jnp

except ImportError:

[docs]class TransferLib(object): """Device transfers. Args: transfer_lib (str): The device library to transfer to. Choices are ['jax', 'keras', 'numpy', 'pytorch', 'tensorflow']. 'jax' -> GPU 'keras' -> GPU 'numpy' -> CPU 'pytorch' -> GPU 'tensorflow' -> GPU """ def __init__(self, transfer_lib: str): self.transfer_lib = transfer_lib
[docs] @staticmethod def jax(array): return jnp.asarray(array, dtype='float32')
[docs] @staticmethod def keras(array): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def numpy(array): return np.asarray(array, dtype='float64')
[docs] @staticmethod def pytorch(array): return torch.from_numpy(array).float().to('cuda:0')
[docs] @staticmethod def tensorflow(array): return tf.convert_to_tensor(array, tf.float64)
def __call__(self, array): return getattr(self, self.transfer_lib)(array)
class _Warp(object): def warp( self, dst_crs=None, dst_res=None, dst_bounds=None, resampling='nearest', nodata=None, warp_mem_limit=None, num_threads=None, window_size=None, padding=None, ): if dst_crs is None: dst_crs = self.srcs_[0].crs if dst_res is None: dst_res = self.srcs_[0].res if dst_bounds is None: dst_bounds = self.srcs_[0].bounds else: if isinstance(dst_bounds, list) or isinstance(dst_bounds, tuple): dst_bounds = BoundingBox( left=dst_bounds[0], bottom=dst_bounds[1], right=dst_bounds[2], top=dst_bounds[3], ) if nodata is None: nodata = self.srcs_[0].nodata if warp_mem_limit is None: warp_mem_limit = 256 if num_threads is None: num_threads = 1 # The destination transform dst_transform = Affine( dst_res[0], 0.0, dst_bounds.left, 0.0, -dst_res[1], ) # The destination size dst_width = int((dst_bounds.right - dst_bounds.left) / dst_res[0]) dst_height = int(( - dst_bounds.bottom) / dst_res[1]) # The write parameters vrt_options = { 'resampling': getattr(Resampling, resampling), 'crs': dst_crs, 'transform': dst_transform, 'height': dst_height, 'width': dst_width, 'nodata': nodata, 'warp_mem_limit': warp_mem_limit, } def _warp_window(src_): return WarpedVRT( src_,, src_transform=src_.transform, **vrt_options, ) # Warp all inputs into virtual in-memory objects with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(num_threads) as executor: data_gen = (src for src in self.srcs_) self.vrts_ = [] for res in, data_gen): self.vrts_.append(res) # self.vrts_ = [ # WarpedVRT( # src, #, # src_transform=src.transform, # **vrt_options) # for src in self.srcs_ # ] if window_size == -1: self.windows_ = [ Window( row_off=0, col_off=0, height=dst_height, width=dst_width ) ] elif window_size: # Get a list of Window objects self.windows_ = get_window_offsets( dst_height, dst_width, window_size[0], window_size[1], return_as='list', padding=padding, ) else: self.windows_ = [ [w[1] for w in src.block_windows(1)] for src in self.vrts_ ][0] class _SeriesProps(object): @property def crs(self): return self.vrts_[0].crs @property def transform(self): return self.vrts_[0].transform @property def count(self): return self.vrts_[0].count @property def width(self): return self.vrts_[0].width @property def height(self): return self.vrts_[0].height @property def blockxsize(self): return self.windows_[0].width @property def blockysize(self): return self.windows_[0].height @property def nchunks(self): return len(self.windows_) @property def nodata(self): return self.vrts_[0].nodata @property def band_dict(self): return ( dict(zip(self.band_names, range(0, self.count))) if self.band_names else None )
[docs]class BaseSeries(_SeriesProps, _Warp):
[docs] def open(self, filenames): self.srcs_ = [ for fn in filenames]
[docs] @staticmethod def ndarray_to_darray( data: np.ndarray, image_dates: T.List[datetime], band_names: T.List[str], y: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, attrs: T.Optional[T.Dict] = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: return xr.DataArray( data, dims=('time', 'band', 'y', 'x'), coords={'time': image_dates, 'band': band_names, 'y': y, 'x': x}, attrs=attrs, )
[docs] def group_dates( self, data: np.ndarray, image_dates: T.List[datetime], band_names: T.List[str], ) -> T.Tuple[np.ndarray, T.List[datetime]]: """Groups data by dates.""" time_df = pd.DataFrame(data=image_dates, columns=['date']) dupe_dates = time_df.duplicated(keep='first') if not dupe_dates.any(): return data, image_dates # Convert the NumPy array to a DataArray da = self.ndarray_to_darray( data, image_dates=image_dates, band_names=band_names, y=np.arange(data.shape[2]), x=np.arange(data.shape[3]), ) # Group duplicated dates da = ( da.where(lambda x: x != 0) .groupby('time') .mean('time', skipna=True) ) return da.values,
[docs]class TimeModule(object): def __init__(self): self.dtype = 'float64' self.count = 1 self.compress = 'lzw' self.bigtiff = 'NO' self.band_dict = None
[docs] def __call__(self, w, array, band_dict): self.band_dict = band_dict return w, self.calculate(array)
def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}():\n " f"self.dtype='{self.dtype}'\n " f"self.count={self.count}\n " f"self.compress='{self.compress}'\n " f"self.bigtiff='{self.bigtiff}'" ) def __str__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}():\n " f"self.dtype='{self.dtype}'\n " f"self.count={self.count}\n " f"self.compress='{self.compress}'\n " f"self.bigtiff='{self.bigtiff}'\n " f"-> Array(numpy.ndarray | jax.Array | torch.Tensor | tensorflow.Tensor)[bands x height x width]" ) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, TimeModulePipeline): return TimeModulePipeline([self] + other.modules) else: return TimeModulePipeline([self, other])
[docs] @abstractmethod def calculate(self, data: T.Any) -> T.Any: """Calculates the user function. Args: data (``numpy.ndarray`` | ``jax.Array`` | ``torch.Tensor`` | ``tensorflow.Tensor``): The input array, shaped [time x bands x rows x columns]. Returns: ``numpy.ndarray`` | ``jax.Array`` | ``torch.Tensor`` | ``tensorflow.Tensor``: Shaped (time|bands x rows x columns) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TimeModulePipeline(object): def __init__(self, module_list: T.List[TimeModule]): self.modules = module_list self.count = 0 for module in self.modules: self.count += module.count self.dtype = self.modules[-1].dtype self.compress = self.modules[-1].compress self.bigtiff = self.modules[-1].bigtiff def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, TimeModulePipeline): return TimeModulePipeline(self.modules + other.modules) else: return TimeModulePipeline(self.modules + [other])
[docs] def __call__(self, w, array, band_dict): results = [] for module in self.modules: res = module(w, array, band_dict)[1] if len(res.shape) == 2: res = res[np.newaxis] results.append(res) return w, jnp.vstack(results).squeeze()
[docs]class SeriesStats(TimeModule): def __init__(self, time_stats): super(SeriesStats, self).__init__() self.time_stats = time_stats if isinstance(self.time_stats, str): self.count = 1 else: self.count = len(list(self.time_stats))
[docs] def calculate(self, array): if isinstance(self.time_stats, str): return np.asarray(getattr(self, self.time_stats)(array)) else: return np.asarray(self._stack(array, self.time_stats))
@staticmethod def _scale_min_max(xv, mni, mxi, mno, mxo): return ((((mxo - mno) * (xv - mni)) / (mxi - mni)) + mno).clip( mno, mxo ) @staticmethod def _lstsq(data): ndims, nbands, nrows, ncols = data.shape M = data.squeeze().transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape(nrows * ncols, ndims).T x = jnp.arange(0, M.shape[0]) # Fit a least squares solution to each sample return jnp.linalg.lstsq(jnp.c_[x, jnp.ones_like(x)], M, rcond=None)[0]
[docs] def abs_slope_q1(self, data): """Calculates the absolute slope of the first quarter.""" b1 = self._lstsq(data[: int(0.25 * data.shape[0])])[0] b1[np.isnan(b1) | np.isinf(b1)] = 0 return self._scale_min_max(jnp.fabs(b1), 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 1.0)
[docs] def abs_slope_q2(self, data): """Calculates the absolute slope of the second quarter.""" b1 = self._lstsq( data[int(0.25 * data.shape[0]) : int(0.5 * data.shape[0])] )[0] b1[np.isnan(b1) | np.isinf(b1)] = 0 return self._scale_min_max(jnp.fabs(b1), 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 1.0)
[docs] def abs_slope_q3(self, data): """Calculates the absolute slope of the third quarter.""" b1 = self._lstsq( data[int(0.5 * data.shape[0]) : int(0.75 * data.shape[0])] )[0] b1[np.isnan(b1) | np.isinf(b1)] = 0 return self._scale_min_max(jnp.fabs(b1), 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 1.0)
[docs] def abs_slope_q4(self, data): """Calculates the absolute slope of the fourth quarter.""" b1 = self._lstsq(data[int(0.75 * data.shape[0]) :])[0] b1[np.isnan(b1) | np.isinf(b1)] = 0 return self._scale_min_max(jnp.fabs(b1), 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 1.0)
[docs] @staticmethod def amp(array): """Calculates the amplitude.""" return ( jnp.nanmax(array, axis=0).squeeze() - jnp.nanmin(array, axis=0).squeeze() )
[docs] @staticmethod def cv(array): """Calculates the coefficient of variation.""" return jnp.nanstd(array, axis=0).squeeze() / ( jnp.nanmean(array, axis=0).squeeze() + 1e-9 )
[docs] @staticmethod def max(array): """Calculates the max.""" return jnp.nanmax(array, axis=0).squeeze()
[docs] @staticmethod def mean(array): """Calculates the mean.""" return jnp.nanmean(array, axis=0).squeeze()
[docs] @staticmethod def median(array): """Calculates the median.""" return jnp.nanmedian(array, axis=0).squeeze()
[docs] def mean_abs_diff(self, array): """Calculates the mean absolute difference.""" d = jnp.nanmean( jnp.fabs(jnp.diff(array, n=1, axis=0)), axis=0 ).squeeze() return self._scale_min_max(d, 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 1.0)
[docs] @staticmethod def min(array): """Calculates the min.""" return jnp.nanmin(array, axis=0).squeeze()
[docs] @staticmethod def norm_abs_energy(array): """Calculates the normalized absolute energy.""" return ( jnp.nansum(array**2, axis=0).squeeze() / (jnp.nanmax(array, axis=0) ** 2 * array.shape[0]).squeeze() )
[docs] @staticmethod def percentile(array, p): """Calculates the nth percentile.""" return jnp.nanpercentile(array, p, axis=0).squeeze()
def _stack(self, array, stats): """Calculates a stack of statistics.""" return jnp.vstack( [ getattr(self, 'percentile')(array, int(stat[10:]))[np.newaxis] if stat.startswith('percentile') else getattr(self, stat)(array)[np.newaxis] for stat in stats ] ).squeeze()