Source code for geowombat.core.stac

import concurrent.futures
import enum
import typing as T
import warnings
from pathlib import Path as _Path

import dask.array as da
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyproj
import xarray as xr
from rasterio.enums import Resampling as _Resampling
from import tqdm as _tqdm

from ..config import config
from ..radiometry import QABits as _QABits

    import pystac
    import pystac.errors as pystac_errors
    import stackstac
    import wget
    from pystac.extensions.eo import EOExtension as _EOExtension
    from pystac_client import Client as _Client
    from rich.console import Console as _Console
    from rich.table import Table as _Table
except ImportError as e:
        "Install geowombat with 'pip install .[stac]' to use the STAC API."

    from pydantic.errors import PydanticImportError
except ImportError:
    PydanticImportError = ImportError

    import planetary_computer as pc
except (ImportError, PydanticImportError) as e:
        'The planetary-computer package did not import correctly. Use of the microsoft collection may be limited.'

[docs]class STACNames(enum.Enum): """STAC names.""" element84_v0 = 'element84_v0' element84_v1 = 'element84_v1' microsoft_v1 = 'microsoft_v1'
[docs]class STACCollections(enum.Enum): cop_dem_glo_30 = 'cop_dem_glo_30' landsat_c2_l1 = 'landsat_c2_l1' landsat_c2_l2 = 'landsat_c2_l2' sentinel_s2_l2a = 'sentinel_s2_l2a' sentinel_s2_l2a_cogs = 'sentinel_s2_l2a_cogs' sentinel_s2_l1c = 'sentinel_s2_l1c' sentinel_s1_l1c = 'sentinel_s1_l1c' sentinel_3_lst = 'sentinel_3_lst' landsat_l8_c2_l2 = 'landsat_l8_c2_l2' usda_cdl = 'usda_cdl' io_lulc = 'io_lulc'
STAC_CATALOGS = { STACNames.element84_v0: '', STACNames.element84_v1: '', # '', STACNames.microsoft_v1: '', } STAC_SCALING = { STACCollections.landsat_c2_l2: { # STACNames.microsoft_v1: { 'gain': 0.0000275, 'offset': -0.2, 'nodata': 0, }, } } STAC_COLLECTIONS = { # Copernicus DEM GLO-30 STACCollections.cop_dem_glo_30: { STACNames.element84_v1: 'cop-dem-glo-30', STACNames.microsoft_v1: 'cop-dem-glo-30', }, # All Landsat, Collection 2, Level 1 STACCollections.landsat_c2_l1: { STACNames.microsoft_v1: 'landsat-c2-l1', }, # All Landsat, Collection 2, Level 2 (surface reflectance) STACCollections.landsat_c2_l2: { STACNames.element84_v1: 'landsat-c2-l2', # [ # 'LC09/C02/T1_L2', # 'LC08/C02/T1_L2', # 'LE07/C02/T1_L2', # 'LT05/C02/T1_L2', # ], STACNames.microsoft_v1: 'landsat-c2-l2', }, # Sentinel-2, Level 2A (surface reflectance missing cirrus band) STACCollections.sentinel_s2_l2a_cogs: { STACNames.element84_v0: 'sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs', }, STACCollections.sentinel_s2_l2a: { STACNames.element84_v1: 'sentinel-2-l2a', # 'COPERNICUS/S2_SR', STACNames.microsoft_v1: 'sentinel-2-l2a', }, # Sentinel-2, Level 1C (top of atmosphere with all 13 bands available) STACCollections.sentinel_s2_l1c: { STACNames.element84_v1: 'sentinel-2-l1c' }, # Sentinel-1, Level 1C Ground Range Detected (GRD) STACCollections.sentinel_s1_l1c: { STACNames.element84_v1: 'sentinel-1-grd', STACNames.microsoft_v1: 'sentinel-1-grd', }, STACCollections.sentinel_3_lst: { STACNames.microsoft_v1: 'sentinel-3-slstr-lst-l2-netcdf', }, # Landsat 8, Collection 2, Tier 1 (Level 2 (surface reflectance)) STACCollections.landsat_l8_c2_l2: { # 'LC08_C02_T1_L2', STACNames.microsoft_v1: 'landsat-8-c2-l2', }, # USDA CDL STACCollections.usda_cdl: { STACNames.microsoft_v1: 'usda-cdl', }, # Esri 10 m land cover STACCollections.io_lulc: { STACNames.microsoft_v1: 'io-lulc', }, }
[docs]def merge_stac( data: xr.DataArray, *other: T.Sequence[xr.DataArray] ) -> xr.DataArray: """Merges DataArrays by time. Args: data (DataArray): The ``DataArray`` to merge to. other (list of DataArrays): The ``DataArrays`` to merge. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` """ name = data.collection for darray in other: name += f'+{darray.collection}' collections = [data.collection] * for darray in other: collections += [darray.collection] * stack = xr.DataArray( da.concatenate( ( data.transpose('time', 'band', 'y', 'x').data, *( darray.transpose('time', 'band', 'y', 'x').data for darray in other ), ), axis=0, ), dims=('time', 'band', 'y', 'x'), coords={ 'time': np.concatenate( (data.time.values, *(darray.time.values for darray in other)) ), 'band':, 'y': data.y.values, 'x': data.x.values, }, attrs=data.attrs, name=name, ).sortby('time') return ( stack.groupby('time') .mean(dim='time', skipna=True) .assign_attrs(**data.attrs) .assign_attrs(collection=None) )
def _download_worker(item, extra: str, out_path: _Path) -> dict: """Downloads a single STAC item 'extra'.""" df_dict = {'id':} url = item.assets[extra].to_dict()['href'] out_name = out_path / f"{}_{_Path(url.split('?')[0]).name}" df_dict[extra] = str(out_name) if not out_name.is_file():, out=str(out_name), bar=None) return df_dict
[docs]def open_stac( stac_catalog: str = 'microsoft_v1', collection: str = None, bounds: T.Union[T.Sequence[float], str, _Path, gpd.GeoDataFrame] = None, proj_bounds: T.Sequence[float] = None, start_date: str = None, end_date: str = None, cloud_cover_perc: T.Union[float, int] = None, bands: T.Sequence[str] = None, chunksize: int = 256, mask_items: str = None, bounds_query: str = None, mask_data: T.Optional[bool] = False, epsg: int = None, resolution: T.Union[float, int] = None, resampling: T.Optional[_Resampling] = _Resampling.nearest, nodata_fill: T.Union[float, int] = None, view_asset_keys: bool = False, extra_assets: T.Optional[T.Sequence[str]] = None, out_path: T.Union[_Path, str] = '.', max_items: int = 100, max_extra_workers: int = 1, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Opens a collection from a spatio-temporal asset catalog (STAC). Args: stac_catalog (str): Choices are ['element84_v0', 'element84_v1, 'google', 'microsoft_v1']. collection (str): The STAC collection to open. Catalog options: element84_v0: sentinel_s2_l2a_cogs element84_v1: cop_dem_glo_30 landsat_c2_l2 sentinel_s2_l2a sentinel_s2_l1c sentinel_s1_l1c microsoft_v1: cop_dem_glo_30 landsat_c2_l1 landsat_c2_l2 landsat_l8_c2_l2 sentinel_s2_l2a sentinel_s1_l1c sentinel_3_lst io_lulc usda_cdl bounds (sequence | str | Path | GeoDataFrame): The search bounding box. This can also be given with the configuration manager (e.g., ``gw.config.update(ref_bounds=bounds)``). The bounds CRS must be given in WGS/84 lat/lon (i.e., EPSG=4326). proj_bounds (sequence): The projected bounds to return data. If ``None`` (default), the returned bounds are the union of all collection scenes. See ``bounds`` in for details. start_date (str): The start search date (yyyy-mm-dd). end_date (str): The end search date (yyyy-mm-dd). cloud_cover_perc (float | int): The maximum percentage cloud cover. bands (sequence): The bands to open. chunksize (int): The dask chunk size. mask_items (sequence): The items to mask. bounds_query (Optional[str]): A query to select bounds from the ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``. mask_data (Optional[bool]): Whether to mask the data. Only relevant if ``mask_items=True``. epsg (Optional[int]): An EPSG code to warp to. resolution (Optional[float | int]): The cell resolution to resample to. resampling (Optional[rasterio.enumsResampling enum]): The resampling method. nodata_fill (Optional[float | int]): A fill value to replace 'no data' NaNs. view_asset_keys (Optional[bool]): Whether to view asset ids. extra_assets (Optional[list]): Extra assets (non-image assets) to download. out_path (Optional[str | Path]): The output path to save files to. max_items (Optional[int]): The maximum number of items to return from the search, even if there are more matching results, passed to ``pystac_client.ItemSearch``. See for details. max_extra_workers (Optional[int]): The maximum number of extra assets to download concurrently. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Examples: >>> from geowombat.core.stac import open_stac, merge_stac >>> >>> data_l, df_l = open_stac( >>> stac_catalog='microsoft_v1', >>> collection='landsat_c2_l2', >>> start_date='2020-01-01', >>> end_date='2021-01-01', >>> bounds='map.geojson', >>> bands=['red', 'green', 'blue', 'qa_pixel'], >>> mask_data=True, >>> extra_assets=['ang', 'mtl.txt', 'mtl.xml'] >>> ) >>> >>> from rasterio.enums import Resampling >>> >>> data_s2, df_s2 = open_stac( >>> stac_catalog='element84_v1', >>> collection='sentinel_s2_l2a', >>> start_date='2020-01-01', >>> end_date='2021-01-01', >>> bounds='map.geojson', >>> bands=['blue', 'green', 'red'], >>> resampling=Resampling.cubic, >>> epsg=int(data_l.epsg.values), >>> extra_assets=['granule_metadata'] >>> ) >>> >>> # Merge two temporal stacks >>> stack = ( >>> merge_stac(data_l, data_s2) >>> .sel(band='red') >>> .mean(dim='time') >>> ) """ if collection is None: raise NameError('A collection must be given.') df = pd.DataFrame() # Date range date_range = f"{start_date}/{end_date}" # Search bounding box if bounds is None: bounds = config['ref_bounds'] assert bounds is not None, 'The bounds must be given in some format.' if not isinstance(bounds, (gpd.GeoDataFrame, tuple, list)): bounds = gpd.read_file(bounds) assert == pyproj.CRS.from_epsg( 4326 ), 'The CRS should be WGS84/latlon (EPSG=4326)' if (bounds_query is not None) and isinstance(bounds, gpd.GeoDataFrame): bounds = bounds.query(bounds_query) if isinstance(bounds, gpd.GeoDataFrame): bounds = tuple(bounds.total_bounds.flatten().tolist()) try: stac_catalog_url = STAC_CATALOGS[STACNames(stac_catalog)] # Open the STAC catalog catalog = except ValueError as e: raise NameError( f'The STAC catalog {stac_catalog} is not supported ({e}).' ) try: collection_dict = STAC_COLLECTIONS[STACCollections(collection)] except ValueError as e: raise NameError( f'The STAC collection {collection} is not supported ({e}).' ) try: catalog_collections = [collection_dict[STACNames(stac_catalog)]] except KeyError as e: raise NameError( f'The STAC catalog {stac_catalog} does not have a collection {collection} ({e}).' ) # asset = catalog.get_collection(catalog_collections[0]).assets['geoparquet-items'] query = None if cloud_cover_perc is not None: query = {"eo:cloud_cover": {"lt": cloud_cover_perc}} # Search the STAC search = collections=catalog_collections, bbox=bounds, datetime=date_range, query=query, max_items=max_items, limit=max_items, ) if search is None: raise ValueError('No items found.') if list(search.items()): if STACNames(stac_catalog) is STACNames.microsoft_v1: items = pc.sign(search) else: items = pystac.ItemCollection(items=list(search.items())) if view_asset_keys: try: selected_item = min( items, key=lambda item: _EOExtension.ext(item).cloud_cover ) except pystac_errors.ExtensionNotImplemented: selected_item = items.items[0] table = _Table("Asset Key", "Description") for asset_key, asset in selected_item.assets.items(): table.add_row(asset_key, asset.title) console = _Console() console.print(table) return None, None # Download metadata and coefficient files if extra_assets is not None: out_path = _Path(out_path) out_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) df_dicts: T.List[dict] = [] with _tqdm( desc='Extra assets', total=len(items) * len(extra_assets) ) as pbar: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=max_extra_workers ) as executor: futures = { executor.submit( _download_worker, item, extra, out_path ): extra for extra in extra_assets for item in items } for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): df_dict = future.result() df_dicts.append(df_dict) pbar.update(1) for item in items: d = {'id':} for downloaded_dict in df_dicts: if downloaded_dict['id'] == d.update(downloaded_dict) df = pd.concat((df, pd.DataFrame([d])), ignore_index=True) data = stackstac.stack( items, bounds=proj_bounds, bounds_latlon=None if proj_bounds is not None else bounds, assets=bands, chunksize=chunksize, epsg=epsg, resolution=resolution, resampling=resampling, ) data = data.assign_attrs( res=(data.resolution, data.resolution), collection=collection ) attrs = data.attrs.copy() if mask_data: if mask_items is None: mask_items = [ 'fill', 'dilated_cloud', 'cirrus', 'cloud', 'cloud_shadow', 'snow', ] mask_bitfields = [ getattr(_QABits, collection).value[mask_item] for mask_item in mask_items ] # Source: bitmask = 0 for field in mask_bitfields: bitmask |= 1 << field # TODO: get qa_pixel name for different sensors qa = data.sel(band='qa_pixel').astype('uint16') mask = qa & bitmask data = data.sel( band=[band for band in bands if band != 'qa_pixel'] ).where(mask == 0) if STACCollections(collection) in STAC_SCALING: scaling = STAC_SCALING[STACCollections(collection)][ STACNames(stac_catalog) ] if scaling: data = xr.where( data == scaling['nodata'], np.nan, (data * scaling['gain'] + scaling['offset']).clip(0, 1), ).assign_attrs(**attrs) if nodata_fill is not None: data = data.fillna(nodata_fill).gw.assign_nodata_attrs(nodata_fill) if not df.empty: df = df.set_index('id').reindex( return data, df return None, None