Source code for geowombat.radiometry.angles

import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tarfile
import tempfile
import typing as T
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path

import dask
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from affine import Affine
from dask.delayed import Delayed, DelayedAttr, DelayedLeaf
from rasterio.errors import TransformError
from scipy.ndimage import zoom

import geowombat as gw
from geowombat.backends.xarray_rasterio_ import open_rasterio

from ..backends import transform_crs
from ..handler import add_handler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger = add_handler(logger)

[docs]@dataclass class AngleInfo: vza: T.Union[ np.ndarray, xr.DataArray, da.Array, Delayed, DelayedAttr, DelayedLeaf ] vaa: T.Union[ np.ndarray, xr.DataArray, da.Array, Delayed, DelayedAttr, DelayedLeaf ] sza: T.Union[ np.ndarray, xr.DataArray, da.Array, Delayed, DelayedAttr, DelayedLeaf ] saa: T.Union[ np.ndarray, xr.DataArray, da.Array, Delayed, DelayedAttr, DelayedLeaf ]
[docs]def shift_objects( data, solar_za, solar_az, sensor_za, sensor_az, object_height, num_workers ): """Shifts objects along x and y dimensions. Args: data (DataArray): The data to shift. solar_za (DataArray): The solar zenith angle. solar_az (DataArray): The solar azimuth angle. sensor_za (DataArray): The sensor, or view, zenith angle. sensor_az (DataArray): The sensor, or view, azimuth angle. object_height (float): The object height. num_workers (Optional[int]): The number of dask workers. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` """ # Scale the angles to degrees sza = solar_za * 0.01 sza.coords['band'] = [1] saa = solar_az * 0.01 saa.coords['band'] = [1] vza = sensor_za * 0.01 vza.coords['band'] = [1] vaa = sensor_az * 0.01 vaa.coords['band'] = [1] # Convert to radians rad_sza = np.deg2rad(sza) rad_saa = np.deg2rad(saa) rad_vza = np.deg2rad(vza) rad_vaa = np.deg2rad(vaa) apparent_solar_az = np.pi + np.arctan( (np.sin(rad_saa) * np.tan(rad_sza) - np.sin(rad_vaa) * np.tan(rad_vza)) / ( np.cos(rad_saa) * np.tan(rad_sza) - np.cos(rad_vaa) * np.tan(rad_vza) ) ) # Maximum horizontal distance d = ( object_height**2 * ( ( np.sin(rad_saa) * np.tan(rad_sza) - np.sin(rad_vaa) * np.tan(rad_vza) ) ** 2 + ( np.cos(rad_saa) * np.tan(rad_sza) - np.cos(rad_vaa) * np.tan(rad_vza) ) ** 2 ) ) ** 0.5 # Convert the polar angle to cartesian offsets x = int( (np.cos(apparent_solar_az) * d) .max(skipna=True) .data.compute(num_workers=num_workers) ) y = int( (np.sin(apparent_solar_az) * d) .max(skipna=True) .data.compute(num_workers=num_workers) ) return data.shift(shifts={'x': x, 'y': y}, fill_value=0)
[docs]def estimate_cloud_shadows( data, clouds, solar_za, solar_az, sensor_za, sensor_az, heights=None, num_workers=1, ): r"""Estimates shadows from a cloud mask and adds to the existing mask Args: data (DataArray): The wavelengths, scaled 0-1. clouds (DataArray): The cloud mask, where clouds=1 and clear sky=0. solar_za (DataArray): The solar zenith angle. solar_az (DataArray): The solar azimuth angle. sensor_za (DataArray): The sensor, or view, zenith angle. sensor_az (DataArray): The sensor, or view, azimuth angle. heights (Optional[list]): The cloud heights, in kilometers. num_workers (Optional[int]): The number of dask workers. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` References: For the angle offset calculations, see :cite:`fisher_2014`. For the shadow test, see :cite:`sun_etal_2018`. """ attrs = data.attrs.copy() if not heights: heights = list(range(200, 1400, 200)) shadows = None for object_height in heights: potential_shadows = shift_objects( clouds, solar_za, solar_az, sensor_za, sensor_az, object_height, num_workers, ) if not isinstance(shadows, xr.DataArray): shadows = xr.where( (data.sel(band='nir') < 0.25) & (data.sel(band='swir1') < 0.11) & (potential_shadows.sel(band='mask') == 1), 1, 0, ) else: shadows = xr.where( ( (data.sel(band='nir') < 0.25) & (data.sel(band='swir1') < 0.11) & (potential_shadows.sel(band='mask') == 1) ) | shadows.sel(band='mask') == 1, 1, 0, ) shadows = shadows.expand_dims(dim='band') # Add the shadows to the cloud mask data = xr.where( clouds.sel(band='mask') == 1, 1, xr.where(shadows.sel(band='mask') == 1, 2, 0), ) data = data.expand_dims(dim='band') data.attrs = attrs return data
[docs]def scattering_angle( cos_sza: xr.DataArray, cos_vza: xr.DataArray, sin_sza: xr.DataArray, sin_vza: xr.DataArray, cos_raa: xr.DataArray, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Calculates the scattering angle. Args: cos_sza (DataArray): The cosine of the solar zenith angle. cos_vza (DataArray): The cosine of the view zenith angle. sin_sza (DataArray): The sine of the solar zenith angle. sin_vza (DataArray): The sine of the view zenith angle. cos_raa (DataArray): The cosine of the relative azimuth angle. Equation: .. math:: \Theta = scattering angle \theta_0 = solar zenith angle \theta_S = sensor zenith angle \zeta = relative azimuth angle \Theta_s = \arccos{- \cos{\theta_0} \cos{\theta_S} - \sin{\theta_0} \sin{\theta_S} \cos{\zeta}} References: scattering angle = the angle between the direction of incident and scattered radiation Liu, CH and Liu GR (2009) AEROSOL OPTICAL DEPTH RETRIEVAL FOR SPOT HRV IMAGES, Journal of Marine Science and Technology Returns: Scattering angle (in radians) as an ``xarray.DataArray`` """ scattering_angle = np.arccos( -cos_sza * cos_vza - sin_sza * sin_vza * cos_raa ) return np.cos(scattering_angle) ** 2
[docs]def relative_azimuth(saa: xr.DataArray, vaa: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculates the relative azimuth angle. Args: saa (DataArray): The solar azimuth angle (in degrees). vaa (DataArray): The view azimuth angle (in degrees). Reference: Returns: Relative azimuth (in degrees) as an ``xarray.DataArray`` """ # Relative azimuth (in radians) raa = np.deg2rad(saa - vaa) # Create masks raa_plus = xr.where(raa >= 2.0 * np.pi, 1, 0) raa_minus = xr.where(raa < 0, 1, 0) raa = xr.where(raa_plus == 1, raa - (2.0 * np.pi), raa) raa = xr.where(raa_minus == 1, raa + (2.0 * np.pi), raa) return np.fabs(np.rad2deg(raa))
[docs]def get_sentinel_sensor(metadata: T.Union[str, Path]) -> str: """Gets the Sentinel sensor from metadata. Args: metadata (str | Path): The Sentinel metadata XML file path. """ tree = ET.parse(str(metadata)) root = tree.getroot() for child in root: if 'general_info' in child.tag[-14:].lower(): general_info = child for ginfo in general_info: if ginfo.tag == 'TILE_ID': file_name = ginfo.text return file_name[:3].lower()
[docs]def get_sentinel_crs_transform( metadata: T.Union[str, Path], resample_res=10.0 ) -> tuple: """Gets the Sentinel scene transformation information. Args: metadata (str | Path): The Sentinel metadata XML file path. resample_res (float | int): The cell resample resolution. Default is 10.0. """ tree = ET.parse(str(metadata)) root = tree.getroot() base_str = './/{}Geometric_Info/Tile_Geocoding/' crs = base_str + '/HORIZONTAL_CS_CODE' left = base_str + '/Geoposition[@resolution="10"]/ULX' top = base_str + '/Geoposition[@resolution="10"]/ULY' nrows = base_str + '/Size[@resolution="10"]/NROWS' ncols = base_str + '/Size[@resolution="10"]/NCOLS' crs = root.findall(crs)[0].text left = float(root.findall(left)[0].text) top = float(root.findall(top)[0].text) nrows = int(root.findall(nrows)[0].text) ncols = int(root.findall(ncols)[0].text) nrows = int(nrows / (resample_res / 10.0)) ncols = int(ncols / (resample_res / 10.0)) transform = Affine(resample_res, 0.0, left, 0.0, -resample_res, top) return crs, transform, nrows, ncols
[docs]def get_sentinel_angle_shape(metadata: T.Union[str, Path]) -> tuple: """Gets the Sentinel scene angle array shape. Args: metadata (str | Path): The Sentinel metadata XML file path. """ # Parse the XML file tree = ET.parse(str(metadata)) root = tree.getroot() angles_view_list = root.findall('.//Tile_Angles')[0] row_step = float(root.findall('.//ROW_STEP')[0].text) col_step = float(root.findall('.//COL_STEP')[0].text) base_str = './/{}Geometric_Info/Tile_Geocoding/Size[@resolution="10"]' nrows_str = base_str + '/NROWS' ncols_str = base_str + '/NCOLS' nrows = int(root.findall(nrows_str)[0].text) ncols = int(root.findall(ncols_str)[0].text) angle_nrows = int(np.ceil(nrows * 10.0 / row_step)) + 1 angle_ncols = int(np.ceil(ncols * 10.0 / col_step)) + 1 return angles_view_list, angle_nrows, angle_ncols
[docs]def parse_sentinel_angles( metadata: T.Union[str, Path], proc_angles: str, nodata: T.Union[float, int] ): """Gets the Sentinel-2 solar angles from metadata. Reference: Args: metadata (str | Path): The Sentinel metadata XML file path. proc_angles (str): The angles to parse. Choices are ['solar', 'view']. nodata (int or float): The 'no data' value. Returns: zenith and azimuth angles as a ``tuple`` of 2d ``numpy`` arrays """ # Parse the XML file tree = ET.parse(str(metadata)) root = tree.getroot() angles_view_list, angle_nrows, angle_ncols = get_sentinel_angle_shape( metadata ) if proc_angles == 'view': zenith_array = ( np.zeros((13, angle_nrows, angle_ncols), dtype='float64') + nodata ) azimuth_array = ( np.zeros((13, angle_nrows, angle_ncols), dtype='float64') + nodata ) else: zenith_array = ( np.zeros((angle_nrows, angle_ncols), dtype='float64') + nodata ) azimuth_array = ( np.zeros((angle_nrows, angle_ncols), dtype='float64') + nodata ) view_tag = ( 'Sun_Angles_Grid' if proc_angles == 'solar' else 'Viewing_Incidence_Angles_Grids' ) # Find the angles for angle in angles_view_list: if angle.tag == view_tag: if proc_angles == 'view': band_id = int(angle.attrib['bandId']) for bset in angle: if bset.tag == 'Zenith': zenith = bset if bset.tag == 'Azimuth': azimuth = bset for field in zenith: if field.tag == 'Values_List': zenith_values_list = field for field in azimuth: if field.tag == 'Values_List': azimuth_values_list = field for ridx, zenith_values in enumerate(zenith_values_list): zenith_values_array = np.array( [float(i) for i in zenith_values.text.split()] ) if proc_angles == 'view': zenith_array[band_id, ridx] = zenith_values_array else: zenith_array[ridx] = zenith_values_array for ridx, azimuth_values in enumerate(azimuth_values_list): azimuth_values_array = np.array( [float(i) for i in azimuth_values.text.split()] ) if proc_angles == 'view': azimuth_array[band_id, ridx] = azimuth_values_array else: azimuth_array[ridx] = azimuth_values_array return zenith_array, azimuth_array
[docs]def run_espa_command( ref_angle_file: T.Union[str, Path], angles_file: T.Union[str, Path], sensor: str, l57_angles_path: T.Union[str, Path], l8_angles_path: T.Union[str, Path], subsample: T.Union[float, int], out_dir: T.Union[str, Path], verbose: int, ) -> namedtuple: AnglePaths = namedtuple('AnglePaths', 'sensor solar out_order') angle_paths = AnglePaths(sensor=None, solar=None, out_order=None) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: if not Path(ref_angle_file).is_file(): # Setup the command. if sensor.lower() in ['l5', 'l7']: angle_command = '{PATH} {META} -s {SUBSAMP:d} -b 1'.format( PATH=str(Path(l57_angles_path).joinpath('landsat_angles')), META=angles_file, SUBSAMP=subsample, ) # 1=zenith, 2=azimuth out_order = dict(azimuth=2, zenith=1) # out_order = [2, 1, 2, 1] else: angle_command = ( '{PATH} {META} BOTH {SUBSAMP:d} -f -32768 -b 4'.format( PATH=str(Path(l8_angles_path).joinpath('l8_angles')), META=angles_file, SUBSAMP=subsample, ) ) # 1=azimuth, 2=zenith out_order = dict(azimuth=1, zenith=2) # out_order = [1, 2, 1, 2] if verbose > 0:' Generating pixel angles ...') # Create the angle files. os.chdir(str(tmp_dir)), shell=True) os.chdir(os.path.expanduser('~')) # Get angle data from 1 band. sensor_angle_file = list(Path(tmp_dir).glob('*sensor_B04.img')) solar_angles_file = list(Path(tmp_dir).glob('*solar_B04.img')) if not sensor_angle_file or not solar_angles_file: raise ValueError('The angles were not created.') # Copy all the associated files for file_path in Path(tmp_dir).glob('*B04.img*'): shutil.move( str(file_path), str(Path(out_dir) / ) sensor_angle_file = list(Path(out_dir).glob('*sensor_B04.img'))[0] solar_angles_file = list(Path(out_dir).glob('*solar_B04.img'))[0] # Move the files out of the temporary directory sensor_angles_path = Path(out_dir) / solar_angles_path = Path(out_dir) / angle_paths = AnglePaths( sensor=str(sensor_angles_path), solar=str(solar_angles_path), out_order=out_order, ) for file_ in Path(tmp_dir).iterdir(): file_.unlink() return angle_paths
[docs]def open_angle_file( in_angle_path: T.Union[str, Path], chunks: int, band_pos: int, nodata: T.Union[float, int], subsample: int, ) -> xr.DataArray: new_res = subsample * 30.0 # Update the .hdr file with open(in_angle_path + '.hdr', mode='r') as txt: lines = txt.readlines() for lidx, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith('map info'): lines[lidx] = line.replace( '30.000, 30.000', f'{new_res:.3f}, {new_res:.3f}' ) Path(in_angle_path + '.hdr').unlink() with open(in_angle_path + '.hdr', mode='w') as txt: txt.writelines(lines) with open_rasterio(in_angle_path, chunks=chunks) as data: angle_data = ( data.sel(band=band_pos) .expand_dims(dim='band') .transpose('band', 'y', 'x') .fillna(nodata) .astype('int16') ) return angle_data
[docs]def postprocess_espa_angles( ref_file: T.Union[str, Path], angle_paths_in: namedtuple, angle_paths_out: namedtuple, subsample: int, resampling: str, num_workers: int, chunks: int, ) -> AngleInfo: nodata = -32768 angle_array_dict = {'vaa': None, 'vza': None, 'saa': None, 'sza': None} if angle_paths_in.sensor is not None: # Convert the data for in_angle, out_angle, band_pos in zip( [ angle_paths_in.sensor, angle_paths_in.sensor,,, ], [ angle_paths_out.vaa, angle_paths_out.vza, angle_paths_out.saa, angle_paths_out.sza, ], ['azimuth', 'zenith', 'azimuth', 'zenith'], ): if 'sensor_azimuth' in str(out_angle): angle_name = 'vaa' elif 'sensor_zenith' in str(out_angle): angle_name = 'vza' elif 'solar_azimuth' in str(out_angle): angle_name = 'saa' elif 'solar_zenith' in str(out_angle): angle_name = 'sza' angle_array_resamp_da = open_angle_file( in_angle, chunks, angle_paths_in.out_order[band_pos], nodata, subsample, ) angle_array_dict = transform_angles( ref_file, angle_array_resamp_da, nodata, resampling, num_workers, angle_array_dict, angle_name, ) return AngleInfo( vaa=angle_array_dict['vaa'], vza=angle_array_dict['vza'], saa=angle_array_dict['saa'], sza=angle_array_dict['sza'], )
[docs]def landsat_angle_prep( ref_file: T.Union[str, Path], out_dir: T.Union[str, Path], l57_angles_path: T.Union[str, Path] = None, l8_angles_path: T.Union[str, Path] = None, ) -> T.Tuple[Path, namedtuple, str, str]: if not l57_angles_path: gw_bin = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) gw_out = os.path.realpath(str(Path(gw_bin).joinpath('../bin'))) gw_tar = os.path.realpath( str(Path(gw_bin).joinpath('../bin/ESPA.tar.gz')) ) if not Path(gw_bin).joinpath('../bin/ESPA').is_dir(): with, mode='r:gz') as tf: tf.extractall(gw_out) l57_angles_path = str(Path(gw_out).joinpath('ESPA/landsat_angles')) l8_angles_path = str(Path(gw_out).joinpath('ESPA/l8_angles')) # Setup the angles name. # example file = LE07_L1TP_225098_20160911_20161008_01_T1_sr_band1.tif ref_base = '_'.join(os.path.basename(ref_file).split('_')[:-1]) out_path = Path(out_dir) out_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Set output angle file names. sensor_azimuth_path = str( out_path.joinpath(ref_base + '_sensor_azimuth.tif') ) sensor_zenith_path = str( out_path.joinpath(ref_base + '_sensor_zenith.tif') ) solar_azimuth_path = str( out_path.joinpath(ref_base + '_solar_azimuth.tif') ) solar_zenith_path = str(out_path.joinpath(ref_base + '_solar_zenith.tif')) AnglePathsOut = namedtuple('AnglePathsOut', 'vaa vza saa sza') angle_paths_out = AnglePathsOut( vaa=sensor_azimuth_path, vza=sensor_zenith_path, saa=solar_azimuth_path, sza=solar_zenith_path, ) return out_path, angle_paths_out, l57_angles_path, l8_angles_path
[docs]def landsat_pixel_angles( angles_file: T.Union[str, Path], ref_file: T.Union[str, Path], out_dir: T.Union[str, Path], sensor: str, l57_angles_path: T.Union[str, Path] = None, l8_angles_path: T.Union[str, Path] = None, subsample: int = 1, resampling: str = 'bilinear', num_workers: int = 1, verbose: int = 0, chunks: int = 256, ) -> AngleInfo: """Generates Landsat pixel angle files. Args: angles_file (str): The angles file. ref_file (str): A reference file. out_dir (str): The output directory. sensor (str): The sensor. l57_angles_path (str): The path to the Landsat 5 and 7 angles bin. l8_angles_path (str): The path to the Landsat 8 angles bin. subsample (Optional[int]): The sub-sample factor when calculating the angles. resampling (Optional[str]): The resampling method if ``filename`` is a ``list``. Choices are ['average', 'bilinear', 'cubic', 'cubic_spline', 'gauss', 'lanczos', 'max', 'med', 'min', 'mode', 'nearest']. num_workers (Optional[int]): The maximum number of concurrent workers. verbose (Optional[int]): The verbosity level. chunks (Optional[int]): The file chunk size. Default is 256. Returns: zenith and azimuth angles as a ``namedtuple`` of angle file names """ ( out_path, angle_paths_out, l57_angles_path, l8_angles_path, ) = landsat_angle_prep( ref_file=ref_file, out_dir=out_dir, l57_angles_path=l57_angles_path, l8_angles_path=l8_angles_path, ) angle_paths_in = run_espa_command( angle_paths_out.vaa, angles_file, sensor, l57_angles_path, l8_angles_path, subsample, out_path, verbose, ) angle_info = dask.delayed(postprocess_espa_angles)( ref_file, angle_paths_in, angle_paths_out, subsample, resampling, num_workers, chunks, ) return angle_info
[docs]def resample_angles( angle_array: np.ndarray, nrows: int, ncols: int, data_shape: T.Tuple[int, int], chunksize: T.Tuple[int, int], ) -> da.Array: """Resamples an angle array.""" data = np.int16( zoom( angle_array.mean(axis=0) if len(angle_array.shape) > 2 else angle_array, (nrows / data_shape[0], ncols / data_shape[1]), order=2, ) / 0.01 )[None] return da.from_array(data, chunks=(1,) + chunksize)
[docs]def transform_angles( ref_file: T.Union[str, Path], data: xr.DataArray, nodata: T.Union[float, int], resampling: str, num_workers: int, angle_array_dict: dict, angle_name: str, ) -> dict: """Transforms angles to a new CRS.""" with open_rasterio(ref_file, as src: angle_array_resamp_da_transform = transform_crs( data,,,,, src_nodata=nodata, dst_nodata=nodata, resampling=resampling, num_threads=num_workers, ) # Save the angle image to file angle_array_resamp_da_transform = ( angle_array_resamp_da_transform.fillna(nodata) .astype('int16') .assign_attrs(nodatavals=(nodata,)) ) if not ): raise TransformError( 'The angle image was not correctly transformed.' ) angle_array_dict[angle_name] = angle_array_resamp_da_transform return angle_array_dict
[docs]def sentinel_pixel_angles( metadata: T.Union[str, Path], ref_file: T.Union[str, Path], nodata: T.Union[float, int] = -32768, resampling: str = 'bilinear', num_workers: int = 1, resample_res: T.Union[float, int] = 60.0, chunksize: T.Tuple[int, int] = None, ) -> AngleInfo: """Generates Sentinel pixel angle files. Args: metadata (str): The metadata file. ref_file (str): A reference image to use for geo-information. nodata (Optional[int or float]): The 'no data' value. num_workers (Optional[int]): The maximum number of concurrent workers. resample_res (Optional[float]): The resolution to resample to. References: Returns: zenith and azimuth angles as a ``namedtuple`` of angle file names """ if not chunksize: chunksize = (256, 256) # Get the CRS, transform, and image size of the full S-2 footprint crs, transform, nrows, ncols = get_sentinel_crs_transform( metadata, resample_res=resample_res ) # Get the angle arrays angle_nrows, angle_ncols = get_sentinel_angle_shape(metadata)[1:] solar_angles = dask.delayed(parse_sentinel_angles)( metadata, 'solar', nodata ) view_angles = dask.delayed(parse_sentinel_angles)(metadata, 'view', nodata) # Create coordinates that are a representation of the full S-2 image xcoords = (transform * (np.arange(ncols) + 0.5, np.zeros(ncols) + 0.5))[0] ycoords = (transform * (np.zeros(nrows) + 0.5, np.arange(nrows) + 0.5))[1] angle_array_dict = {'vaa': None, 'vza': None, 'saa': None, 'sza': None} for angle_name, angle_array in zip( ['vza', 'vaa', 'sza', 'saa'], [view_angles[0], view_angles[1], solar_angles[0], solar_angles[1]], ): # Resample and scale to the full image size angle_array_resamp = dask.delayed(resample_angles)( angle_array, nrows, ncols, (angle_nrows, angle_ncols), chunksize ) # Create a DataArray to write to file angle_array_resamp_da = xr.DataArray( da.from_delayed( angle_array_resamp, shape=(1, nrows, ncols), dtype='float32' ).rechunk((1,) + chunksize), dims=('band', 'y', 'x'), coords={'band': [1], 'y': ycoords, 'x': xcoords}, attrs={ 'transform': transform, 'crs': crs, 'res': (resample_res, resample_res), 'nodatavals': (nodata,), }, ) angle_array_dict = dask.delayed(transform_angles)( ref_file, angle_array_resamp_da, nodata, resampling, num_workers, angle_array_dict, angle_name, ) return AngleInfo( vaa=angle_array_dict['vaa'], vza=angle_array_dict['vza'], saa=angle_array_dict['saa'], sza=angle_array_dict['sza'], )