Source code for geowombat.radiometry.sixs


The Interpolated_LUTs class handles loading, downloading and interpolating
of LUTs (look up tables) used by the 6S emulator


import logging
import random
import shutil
import string
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path

import geopandas as gpd
import joblib
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

import geowombat as gw

from ..core import ndarray_to_xarray
from import (
from ..handler import add_handler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger = add_handler(logger)

LUTNames = namedtuple('LUTNames', 'name path')

DATA_PATH = Path.home() / '.geowombat/datasets'

def _set_names(sensor_name):

    lut_path = DATA_PATH / 'lut'

    lut_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    return LUTNames(name=sensor_name, path=lut_path)

    'l5': _set_names('l5'),
    'l7': _set_names('l7'),
    'l8': _set_names('l8'),
    's2a': _set_names('s2a'),
    's2b': _set_names('s2b'),

def _random_id(string_length):

    """Generates a random string of letters and digits."""

    letters_digits = string.ascii_letters + string.digits

    return ''.join(random.choice(letters_digits) for i in range(string_length))

[docs]class Altitude(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mean_altitude( data, out_dir, username=None, key_file=None, code_file=None, chunks=512, n_jobs=1, delete_downloaded=False, ): if not username: username = if not key_file: key_file = if not code_file: code_file = if not username or not key_file or not code_file: logger.exception( ' The NASA EarthData username, secret key file, and secret code file must be provided to download SRTM data.' ) raise AttributeError if not Path(out_dir).is_dir(): Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) srtm_grid_path_temp = ( Path(out_dir) / f'srtm30m_bounding_boxes_{_random_id(9)}.gpkg' ) shutil.copy(str(srtm30m_bounding_boxes), str(srtm_grid_path_temp)) srtm_df = gpd.read_file(srtm_grid_path_temp) srtm_grid_path_temp.unlink() srtm_df_int = srtm_df[ srtm_df.geometry.intersects([0] ) ] nedd = NASAEarthdataDownloader(username, key_file, code_file) hgt_files = [] zip_paths = [] for dfn in srtm_df_int.dataFile.values.tolist(): zip_file = f"{out_dir}/NASADEM_HGT_{dfn.split('.')[0].lower()}.zip" nedd.download_srtm(dfn.split('.')[0].lower(), zip_file) src_zip = f"zip+file://{zip_file}!/{Path(zip_file).stem.split('_')[-1]}.hgt" hgt_files.append(Path(zip_file)) zip_paths.append(src_zip) if len(zip_paths) == 1: zip_paths = zip_paths[0] mosaic = False else: mosaic = True with, mosaic=mosaic, chunks=chunks) as src: mean_elev = ( src.transpose('band', 'y', 'x') .mean() .data.compute(num_workers=n_jobs) ) if delete_downloaded: for fn in hgt_files: fn.unlink() return mean_elev
[docs]class SixSMixin(object): @staticmethod def _load(sensor, wavelength, interp_method, from_toar=False): if from_toar: raise NotImplementedError( 'Lookup tables from top of atmosphere reflectance are not supported.' ) # lut_path = SENSOR_LOOKUP[sensor].path / f'{sensor}_{wavelength}_from_toar.lut' else: lut_path = ( SENSOR_LOOKUP[sensor].path / f'{sensor}_{wavelength}.lut' ) if not lut_path.is_file(): f' Downloading {} into {SENSOR_LOOKUP[sensor].path}.' ) lutd = LUTDownloader() f'{sensor}_{wavelength}.lut', str(lut_path), safe_download=False, ) lut_ = joblib.load(str(lut_path)) return lut_[interp_method] @staticmethod def _rad_to_sr_from_coeffs(rad, xa, xb, xc): """Transforms radiance to surface reflectance using 6S coefficients. Args: rad (float | DataArray): The radiance. xa (float | DataArray): The inverse of the transmittance. xb (float | DataArray): The scattering term of the atmosphere. xc (float | DataArray): The spherical albedo (atmospheric reflectance for isotropic light). Returns: ``float`` | ``xarray.DataArray`` References: y = xa * (measured radiance) - xb acr = y / (1. + xc * y) """ y = xa * rad - xb return y / (1.0 + xc * y)
[docs]class SixS(Altitude, SixSMixin): """A class to handle loading, downloading and interpolating of LUTs (look up tables) used by the 6S emulator. Args: sensor (str): The sensor to adjust. rad_scale (Optional[float]): The radiance scale factor. Scaled values should be in the range [0,1000]. angle_factor (Optional[float]): The angle scale factor. Example: >>> sixs = SixS('l5', verbose=1) >>> >>> with gw.config.update(sensor='l7'): >>> with'image.tif') as src,'solar_za') as sza: >>> sixs.rad_to_sr(src, 'blue', sza, doy, h2o=1.0, o3=0.4, aot=0.3) """ @staticmethod def _toar_to_sr_from_coeffs(toar, t_g, p_alpha, s, t_s, t_v): """Transforms top of atmosphere reflectance to surface reflectance using 6S coefficients. Args: toar (float | DataArray): The top of atmosphere reflectance. t_g (float): The total gaseous transmission of the atmosphere. p_alpha (float): The atmospheric reflectance. s (float): The spherical albedo of the atmosphere. t_s (float): The atmospheric transmittance from sun to target. t_v (float): The atmospheric transmittance from target to satellite. Returns: ``float`` | ``xarray.DataArray`` """ sr_s = ((toar / t_g) - p_alpha) / (t_s * t_v) return sr_s / (1.0 + s * sr_s)
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_coeff(band_data, coeffs, cindex): return ndarray_to_xarray(band_data, coeffs[:, :, cindex], ['coeff'])
@staticmethod def _mask_nodata(data, other_data, src_nodata, dst_nodata): # Create a 'no data' mask mask = ( data.where((data != src_nodata) & (other_data != src_nodata)) .count(dim='band') .astype('uint8') ) # Mask 'no data' values return xr.where( mask <, dst_nodata, data.clip(0, 1) ).transpose('band', 'y', 'x')
[docs] def toar_to_sr( self, data, sensor, wavelength, sza, doy, src_nodata=-32768, dst_nodata=-32768, angle_factor=0.01, interp_method='fast', h2o=1.0, o3=0.4, aot=0.3, altitude=0.0, n_jobs=1, ): """Converts top of atmosphere reflectance to surface reflectance using 6S outputs. Args: data (DataArray): The top of atmosphere reflectance. sensor (str): The sensor name. wavelength (str): The band wavelength to process. sza (float | DataArray): The solar zenith angle. doy (int): The day of year. src_nodata (Optional[int or float]): The input 'no data' value. dst_nodata (Optional[int or float]): The output 'no data' value. angle_factor (Optional[float]): The scale factor for angles. interp_method (Optional[str]): The LUT interpolation method. Choices are ['fast', 'slow']. 'fast': Uses nearest neighbor lookup with ``scipy.interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator``. 'slow': Uses linear interpolation with ``scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator``. h2o (Optional[float]): The water vapor (g/m^2). [0,8.5]. o3 (Optional[float]): The ozone (cm-atm). [0,8]. aot (Optional[float | DataArray]): The aerosol optical thickness (unitless). [0,3]. altitude (Optional[float]): The altitude over the sensor acquisition location. n_jobs (Optional[int]): The number of parallel jobs for ``dask.compute``. 6S model outputs: t_g (float): The total gaseous transmission of the atmosphere. --> s.outputs.total_gaseous_transmittance p_alpha (float): The atmospheric reflectance. --> s.outputs.atmospheric_intrinsic_reflectance s (float): The spherical albedo of the atmosphere. --> s.outputs.spherical_albedo t_s (float): The atmospheric transmittance from sun to target. --> s.outputs.transmittance_total_scattering.downward t_v (float): The atmospheric transmittance from target to satellite. --> s.outputs.transmittance_total_scattering.upward """ attrs = data.attrs.copy() # Load the LUT lut = self._load(sensor, wavelength, interp_method, from_toar=True) band_data = data.sel(band=wavelength) if isinstance(sza, xr.DataArray): sza = ( sza.squeeze() .astype('float64') .data.compute(num_workers=n_jobs) ) sza *= angle_factor if not isinstance(aot, xr.DataArray): aot = xr.zeros_like(data[0]).squeeze() + aot # t_g, p_alpha, s, t_s, t_v coeffs = lut(sza, h2o, o3, aot, altitude) elliptical_orbit_correction = ( 0.03275104 * np.cos(doy / 59.66638337) + 0.96804905 ) coeffs *= elliptical_orbit_correction t_g = self.prepare_coeff(band_data, coeffs, 0) p_alpha = self.prepare_coeff(band_data, coeffs, 1) s = self.prepare_coeff(band_data, coeffs, 2) t_s = self.prepare_coeff(band_data, coeffs, 3) t_v = self.prepare_coeff(band_data, coeffs, 4) sr = ( self._toar_to_sr_from_coeffs( band_data, t_g.sel(band='coeff'), p_alpha.sel(band='coeff'), s.sel(band='coeff'), t_s.sel(band='coeff'), t_v.sel(band='coeff'), ) .fillna(src_nodata) .expand_dims(dim='band') .assign_coords(coords={'band': [wavelength]}) .astype('float64') ) sr = self._mask_nodata(sr, band_data, src_nodata, dst_nodata) attrs['sensor'] = sensor attrs['nodata'] = dst_nodata attrs['calibration'] = 'surface reflectance' attrs['method'] = '6s radiative transfer model' attrs['drange'] = (0, 1) return sr.assign_attrs(**attrs)
[docs] def rad_to_sr( self, data, sensor, wavelength, sza, doy, src_nodata=-32768, dst_nodata=-32768, angle_factor=0.01, interp_method='fast', h2o=1.0, o3=0.4, aot=0.3, altitude=0.0, n_jobs=1, ): """Converts radiance to surface reflectance using a 6S radiative transfer model lookup table. Args: data (DataArray): The data to correct, in radiance. sensor (str): The sensor name. wavelength (str): The band wavelength to process. sza (float | DataArray): The solar zenith angle. doy (int): The day of year. src_nodata (Optional[int or float]): The input 'no data' value. dst_nodata (Optional[int or float]): The output 'no data' value. angle_factor (Optional[float]): The scale factor for angles. interp_method (Optional[str]): The LUT interpolation method. Choices are ['fast', 'slow']. 'fast': Uses nearest neighbor lookup with ``scipy.interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator``. 'slow': Uses linear interpolation with ``scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator``. h2o (Optional[float]): The water vapor (g/m^2). [0,8.5]. o3 (Optional[float]): The ozone (cm-atm). [0,8]. aot (Optional[float | DataArray]): The aerosol optical thickness (unitless). [0,3]. altitude (Optional[float]): The altitude over the sensor acquisition location. n_jobs (Optional[int]): The number of parallel jobs for ``dask.compute``. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray``: Data range: 0-1 """ # Load the LUT lut = self._load(sensor, wavelength, interp_method) attrs = data.attrs.copy() band_data = data.sel(band=wavelength) if isinstance(sza, xr.DataArray): sza = ( sza.squeeze() .astype('float64') .data.compute(num_workers=n_jobs) ) if isinstance(aot, xr.DataArray): aot = ( aot.squeeze() .astype('float64') .data.compute(num_workers=n_jobs) ) else: aot = ( np.zeros((,, dtype='float64') + aot ) sza *= angle_factor coeffs = lut(sza, h2o, o3, aot, altitude) elliptical_orbit_correction = ( 0.03275104 * np.cos(doy / 59.66638337) + 0.96804905 ) coeffs *= elliptical_orbit_correction xa = self.prepare_coeff(band_data, coeffs, 0) xb = self.prepare_coeff(band_data, coeffs, 1) xc = self.prepare_coeff(band_data, coeffs, 2) sr = ( self._rad_to_sr_from_coeffs( band_data, xa.sel(band='coeff'), xb.sel(band='coeff'), xc.sel(band='coeff'), ) .fillna(src_nodata) .expand_dims(dim='band') .assign_coords(coords={'band': [wavelength]}) .astype('float64') ) sr = self._mask_nodata(sr, band_data, src_nodata, dst_nodata) attrs['sensor'] = sensor attrs['nodata'] = dst_nodata attrs['calibration'] = 'surface reflectance' attrs['method'] = '6s radiative transfer model' attrs['drange'] = (0, 1) return sr.assign_attrs(**attrs)
[docs]class AOT(SixSMixin):
[docs] def get_optimized_aot( self, blue_rad_dark, blue_p_dark, sensor, wavelength, interp_method, sza, doy, h2o, o3, altitude, max_aot=0.5, ): """Gets the optimal aerosol optical thickness. Args: blue_rad_dark (DataArray) blue_p_dark (DataArray) sensor (str) wavelength (str) interp_method (str) sza (float): The solar zenith angle (in degrees). doy (int): The day of year. h2o (float): The water vapor (g/m^2). [0,8.5]. o3 (float): The ozone (cm-atm). [0,8]. altitude (float) max_aot (float) """ # Load the LUT lut = self._load(sensor, wavelength, interp_method) min_score = np.zeros(blue_rad_dark.shape, dtype='float64') + 1e9 aot = np.zeros(blue_rad_dark.shape, dtype='float64') elliptical_orbit_correction = ( 0.03275104 * np.cos(doy / 59.66638337) + 0.96804905 ) for aot_iter in np.arange(0.01, max_aot + 0.01, 0.01): xa, xb, xc = lut(sza, h2o, o3, aot_iter, altitude) xa *= elliptical_orbit_correction xb *= elliptical_orbit_correction xc *= elliptical_orbit_correction res = self._rad_to_sr_from_coeffs(blue_rad_dark, xa, xb, xc) score = np.abs(res - blue_p_dark) aot = np.where(score < min_score, aot_iter, aot) min_score = np.where(score < min_score, score, min_score) return aot.clip(0, max_aot)