Source code for geowombat.radiometry.topo

import logging

import dask
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from osgeo import gdal, gdal_array
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, TheilSenRegressor

from ..handler import add_handler

    import cv2

except ImportError:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger = add_handler(logger)

def _resize_elev(elev, proc_dims):


        elev = cv2.resize(
            elev.astype('float32'), proc_dims, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR


            '  OpenCV is not installed, so using scipy.ndimage.zoom to resize the data.'

        from scipy.ndimage import zoom

        elev = zoom(elev.astype('float32'), proc_dims, order=2)

    return elev

[docs]def calc_slope(elev, proc_dims=None, w=None, **kwargs): """Calculates slope from elevation. Args: elev (2d array): The elevation data. proc_dims (Optional[tuple]): Dimensions to resize to. w (Optional[int]): The smoothing window size when ``proc_dims`` is given. kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments passed to ``gdal.DEMProcessingOptions``. Returns: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ inrows, incols = elev.shape if proc_dims: elev = _resize_elev(elev, proc_dims) ds = gdal_array.OpenArray(elev.astype('float64')) slope_options = gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(**kwargs) out_ds = gdal.DEMProcessing('', ds, 'slope', options=slope_options) dst_array = out_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() ds = None out_ds = None if proc_dims: dst_array = cv2.resize( dst_array.astype('float32'), (incols, inrows), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, ) if not w: w = 15 return np.float64( cv2.bilateralFilter(np.float32(dst_array), w, 10, 10) ) else: return np.float64(dst_array)
[docs]def calc_aspect(elev, proc_dims=None, w=None, **kwargs): """Calculates aspect from elevation. Args: elev (2d array): The elevation data. proc_dims (Optional[tuple]): Dimensions to resize to. w (Optional[int]): The smoothing window size when ``proc_dims`` is given. kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments passed to ``gdal.DEMProcessingOptions``. Returns: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ inrows, incols = elev.shape if proc_dims: if proc_dims: elev = _resize_elev(elev, proc_dims) ds = gdal_array.OpenArray(elev.astype('float64')) aspect_options = gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(**kwargs) out_ds = gdal.DEMProcessing('', ds, 'aspect', options=aspect_options) dst_array = out_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() ds = None out_ds = None if proc_dims: dst_array = cv2.resize( dst_array.astype('float32'), (incols, inrows), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, ) if not w: w = 15 return np.float64( cv2.bilateralFilter(np.float32(dst_array), w, 10, 10) ) else: return np.float64(dst_array)
calc_slope_delayed = dask.delayed(calc_slope) calc_aspect_delayed = dask.delayed(calc_aspect)
[docs]class Topo(object): """A class for topographic normalization.""" @staticmethod def _regress_a(X, y, robust, n_jobs): """Calculates the slope and intercept.""" if robust: model = TheilSenRegressor(n_jobs=n_jobs) else: model = LinearRegression(n_jobs=n_jobs), y) slope_m = model.coef_[0] intercept_b = model.intercept_ return slope_m, intercept_b def _method_empirical_rotation( self, sr, il, cos_z, nodata_samps, min_samples, n_jobs, robust, band_coeffs, band, ): r""" Normalizes terrain using the Empirical Rotation method Args: sr (Dask Array): The surface reflectance data. il (Dask Array): The solar illumination. cos_z (Dask Array): The cosine of the solar zenith angle. nodata_samps (Dask Array): Samples where 1='no data' and 0='valid data'. min_samples (Optional[int]): The minimum number of samples required to fit a regression. n_jobs (Optional[int]): The number of parallel workers for ```` or ````. robust (Optional[bool]): Whether to fit a robust regression. band_coeffs (dict): Slope and intercept coefficients for each band. band (int | str): The band. References: See :cite:`tan_etal_2010` for the Empirical Rotation method. Returns: ``dask.array`` """ nodata = nodata_samps.compute().flatten() idx = np.where(nodata == 0)[0] if idx.shape[0] < min_samples: return sr X = il.compute().flatten()[idx][:, np.newaxis] if band_coeffs: slope_m, intercept_b = band_coeffs[band] else: y = sr.compute().flatten()[idx] slope_m, intercept_b = self._regress_a(X, y, robust, n_jobs) # # Improved forest change detection with terrain illumination corrected Landsat images sr_a = sr - slope_m * (il - cos_z) # sr_a = sr - (slope_m * il + intercept_b) return da.where(nodata_samps == 1, sr, sr_a).clip(0, 1) def _method_cos(self, sr, il, cos_z, nodata_samps): r""" Normalizes terrain using the Cosine method Args: sr (Dask Array): The surface reflectance data. il (Dask Array): The solar illumination. cos_z (Dask Array): The cosine of the solar zenith angle. nodata_samps (Dask Array): Samples where 1='no data' and 0='valid data'. References: See :cite:`teillet_etal_1982` for the C-correction method. Returns: ``dask.array`` """ sr_a = sr * (cos_z / il) return da.where(nodata_samps == 1, sr, sr_a).clip(0, 1) def _method_c( self, sr, il, cos_z, nodata_samps, min_samples, n_jobs, robust, band_coeffs, band, ): r""" Normalizes terrain using the C-correction method Args: sr (Dask Array): The surface reflectance data. il (Dask Array): The solar illumination. cos_z (Dask Array): The cosine of the solar zenith angle. nodata_samps (Dask Array): Samples where 1='no data' and 0='valid data'. min_samples (Optional[int]): The minimum number of samples required to fit a regression. n_jobs (Optional[int]): The number of parallel workers for ```` or ````. robust (Optional[bool]): Whether to fit a robust regression. band_coeffs (dict): Slope and intercept coefficients for each band. band (int | str): The band. References: See :cite:`teillet_etal_1982` for the C-correction method. Returns: ``dask.array`` """ nodata = nodata_samps.compute().flatten() idx = np.where(nodata == 0)[0] if idx.shape[0] < min_samples: return sr X = il.compute().flatten()[idx][:, np.newaxis] if band_coeffs: slope_m, intercept_b = band_coeffs[band] else: y = sr.compute().flatten()[idx] slope_m, intercept_b = self._regress_a(X, y, robust, n_jobs) c = intercept_b / slope_m # Get the A-factor a_factor = (cos_z + c) / (il + c) a_factor = da.where(da.isnan(a_factor), 1, a_factor) sr_a = sr * a_factor return da.where((sr_a > 1) | (nodata_samps == 1), sr, sr_a).clip(0, 1)
[docs] def norm_topo( self, data, elev, solar_za, solar_az, slope=None, aspect=None, method='empirical-rotation', slope_thresh=2, nodata=0, elev_nodata=-32768, scale_factor=1, angle_scale=0.01, n_jobs=1, robust=False, min_samples=100, slope_kwargs=None, aspect_kwargs=None, band_coeffs=None, ): """Applies topographic normalization. Args: data (2d or 3d DataArray): The data to normalize, in the range 0-1. elev (2d DataArray): The elevation data. solar_za (2d DataArray): The solar zenith angles (degrees). solar_az (2d DataArray): The solar azimuth angles (degrees). slope (2d DataArray): The slope data. If not given, slope is calculated from ``elev``. aspect (2d DataArray): The aspect data. If not given, aspect is calculated from ``elev``. method (Optional[str]): The method to apply. Choices are ['c', 'empirical-rotation']. slope_thresh (Optional[float or int]): The slope threshold. Any samples with values < ``slope_thresh`` are not adjusted. nodata (Optional[int or float]): The 'no data' value for ``data``. elev_nodata (Optional[float or int]): The 'no data' value for ``elev``. scale_factor (Optional[float]): A scale factor to apply to the input data. angle_scale (Optional[float]): The angle scale factor. n_jobs (Optional[int]): The number of parallel workers for ````. robust (Optional[bool]): Whether to fit a robust regression. min_samples (Optional[int]): The minimum number of samples required to fit a regression. slope_kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments passed to ``gdal.DEMProcessingOptions`` to calculate the slope. aspect_kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments passed to ``gdal.DEMProcessingOptions`` to calculate the aspect. band_coeffs (Optional[dict]): Slope and intercept coefficients for each band. References: See :cite:`teillet_etal_1982` for the C-correction method. See :cite:`tan_etal_2010` for the Empirical Rotation method. Returns: ``xarray.DataArray`` Examples: >>> import geowombat as gw >>> from geowombat.radiometry import Topo >>> >>> topo = Topo() >>> >>> # Example where pixel angles are stored in separate GeoTiff files >>> with gw.config.update(sensor='l7', scale_factor=0.0001, nodata=0): >>> >>> with'landsat.tif') as src, >>>'srtm') as elev, >>>'solarz.tif') as solarz, >>>'solara.tif') as solara: >>> >>> src_norm = topo.norm_topo(src, elev, solarz, solara, n_jobs=-1) """ method = method.strip().lower() if method not in ['c', 'empirical-rotation']: logger.exception( " Currently, the only supported methods are 'c' and 'empirical-rotation'." ) raise NameError attrs = data.attrs.copy() if not nodata: nodata = if scale_factor == 1.0: scale_factor = # Scale the reflectance data if scale_factor != 1: data = data * scale_factor if not slope_kwargs: slope_kwargs = dict( format='MEM', computeEdges=True, alg='ZevenbergenThorne', slopeFormat='degree', ) if not aspect_kwargs: aspect_kwargs = dict( format='MEM', computeEdges=True, alg='ZevenbergenThorne', trigonometric=False, zeroForFlat=True, ) slope_kwargs['format'] = 'MEM' slope_kwargs['slopeFormat'] = 'degree' aspect_kwargs['format'] = 'MEM' # Force to SRTM resolution proc_dims = ( int(( * / 30.0), int(( * / 30.0), ) w = int((5 * 30.0) / if w % 2 == 0: w += 1 if isinstance(slope, xr.DataArray): slope_deg_fd = slope.squeeze().data else: slope_deg = calc_slope_delayed( elev.squeeze().data, proc_dims=proc_dims, w=w, **slope_kwargs ) slope_deg_fd = da.from_delayed( slope_deg, (,, dtype='float64' ) if isinstance(aspect, xr.DataArray): aspect_deg_fd = aspect.squeeze().data else: aspect_deg = calc_aspect_delayed( elev.squeeze().data, proc_dims=proc_dims, w=w, **aspect_kwargs ) aspect_deg_fd = da.from_delayed( aspect_deg, (,, dtype='float64' ) nodata_samps = da.where( ( == elev_nodata) | (data.max(dim='band').data == nodata) | (slope_deg_fd < slope_thresh), 1, 0, ) slope_rad = da.deg2rad(slope_deg_fd) aspect_rad = da.deg2rad(aspect_deg_fd) # Convert degrees to radians solar_za = da.deg2rad(solar_za.squeeze().data * angle_scale) solar_az = da.deg2rad(solar_az.squeeze().data * angle_scale) cos_z = da.cos(solar_za) # Calculate the illumination angle il = da.cos(slope_rad) * cos_z + da.sin(slope_rad) * da.sin( solar_za ) * da.cos(solar_az - aspect_rad) sr_adj = list() for band in if method == 'c': sr_adj.append( self._method_c( data.sel(band=band).data, il, cos_z, nodata_samps, min_samples, n_jobs, robust, band_coeffs, band, ) ) else: sr_adj.append( self._method_empirical_rotation( data.sel(band=band).data, il, cos_z, nodata_samps, min_samples, n_jobs, robust, band_coeffs, band, ) ) adj_data = xr.DataArray( data=da.concatenate(sr_adj).reshape( (,, ), coords={ 'band':, 'y': data.y.values, 'x': data.x.values, }, dims=('band', 'y', 'x'), attrs=data.attrs, ) attrs['calibration'] = 'Topographic-adjusted' attrs['nodata'] = nodata attrs['drange'] = (0, 1) adj_data.attrs = attrs return adj_data